May 31, 2023

Invasion Day 462 – Summary

The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 31st May 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time). Sloboda Front includes the area of between Oskil and Aydar river Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of: Siverskyi Donets overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk…

The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 31st May 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time).

Sloboda Front

includes the area of between Oskil and Aydar river

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Masyutivka, Novoselivske, Stelmakhivka

Siverskyi Donets

overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk vicinity

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Kuzmyne, Bilohorivka

Bakhmut Front

includes the vicinity of Bakhmut

  • Ukrainian forces assaulted Russian positions in the area of Zaliznianske settlement, and regained some previously lost ground. (source)

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Orikhovo-Vasylivka, Bila Hora

Bakhmut City

the city of Bakhmut

  • No activity reported.

Avdiivka Front

includes the vicinity of Avdiivka

  • Ukrainian artillery targeted Russian positions south-east of Niu-York. (source)
  • The geolocation above finally settles the area of control here, and fixes the long-term debt.

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Sieverne

Donetsk Front

includes the center and southern part of Donetsk Oblast

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Marinka

Zaporizhzhia Front

includes the Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • No activity reported.

Kherson Front

includes the left bank of Dnipro river south of Kherson and Kakhovka

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • No activity reported.

Full map of Ukraine

overview map of current situation in Ukraine

This summary and detailed maps are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official media channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and geolocated footage.

We also thank the following Twitter users for their geolocations and amazing work: @neonhandrail, @auditor_ya and the team at @geoconfirmed.

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Before they blew up the dam, Russia increased the water level up to 17.5m (it was 14m in january).

They have been preparing this terrorist act for months, to ensure maximal destruction !

Russia is a Terrorist state, they don’t care about human life, nor Nature (blewing up the dam is also an ecocide).

Zhorik Vartanov

I suspect eventually it’ll turn out that it was an independent group of activists not associated with any government, perhaps using a private yacht. Or something along these lines


The chronology of the terrorist attack by Russian terrorists. Or how Russians screwed in their excuses.

Zhorik Vartanov

I have absolutely no idea who did this, everybody produces convincing – and surprisingly contradicting! – narratives with positive feedback loops. For example notorious terrorist Girkin who seems to be incredibly popular on the resource is convinced that it’s Ukrainians.
Well, at least some enterprising beavers from the river are quite excited about the new opportunities


The link above proves it was the Russians. They bragged about it, before realizing the castastrophic results of their action, then try to erase their message (but it was too late), then they blame the Ukrainians and produce all those “narratives” (aka BS) that you find “convincing”.

They did the exact same thing when they destroyed MH17 airplane (Girkin’s crime).


if you are referring to the ‘spontaneous blowup’ of NS1 – older, disabled at the time, I’d like to remind you that there is fully functional NS2 with higher capacity waiting for enabling. So…

Zhorik Vartanov

Someone will write a bestseller book at some point. Something like ‘War in Ukraine and pipelines’. All kinds of pipes, gas, oil, even freaking ammonia

Max Beckhaus

Yes, it was obviously planed. The base of the damn seems to be ok and can probably only be destroyed with nukes. So there will be some of the resevoir left. We will know in a couple of days when the reservoir is down to its new level how bad things look for the NPP. In some weeks everything will have dried up and the AFU can plan the crossing, if the it chooses so.

Last edited 1 year ago by Max Beckhaus
JJ Gonzo

Pure pointless terror and damage. How is Soledar or Bakhmut looking right now? Are you still surprised? What else you could expect from rashist terrorists?
Just do not understand what is West still waiting for when it comes to F-16 fighters.


I’d rather lean to the speculation (because at this moment we have nothing else) that this probably was an effect of collective forces of war damage, negligence, stupidity and incompetence – namely, typical Russian virtues – and (maybe) attempt to make an controlled flood which was that drop breaking the camel’s (in this case: dam) back. This does not absolve RF from responsibility, though.


–> though there is that case that every time I think ‘it is so stupid, nobody would do this, even a genuine moron’, Russia boldly crosses that line. So…

What bad Russians, but brave Ukrainians openly began the destruction of the dam in December and were even proud of it! Where were your malicious comments? 
“There were moments when we turned off their supply lines completely, and they still managed to build crossings,” Kovalchuk said. “They managed to replenish ammunition. … It was very difficult….

ovalchuk considered flooding the river. The Ukrainians, he said, even conducted a test strike with a HIMARS launcher on one of the floodgates at the Nova Kakhovka dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages.
The test was a success, Kovalchuk said, but the step remained a last resort. He held of

Max Beckhaus

Well, Russia just blew up the water supply for Crimea. So they allready know that they are losing Kherson or they do not care about Crimea. Either way, it is a clear sign that they are shitting their pants. A terrorist state.


The Russians are sweating


They feared a counter attack in the Kherson direction (which was unlikely, imho), so they blew up the barrage. It is an ecological disaster, it causes dammage worth billions. Russia is a terrorist state and must be punished for this, and not just by strong words. Western countries need to respond (and not just with words) to this terrorist act !


Good idea – What do you have in mind? Sanctions maybe? Or the everlasting wet dream that NATO intervenes?


NATO could inervene to secure Zaporijja nuclear power plant, but I don’t think they will do it unless there is an imminent safety threat.

But it is time to step up. Let’s just give Ukraine hundreds of Abrams, F16, ATACMS, and the 500km version of the Storm Shadow. No more restriction, just crush the Russian army.

Max Beckhaus

BTW, Nato intervention will peobably come if Zaphorizia NPP is blown up and for sure if nukes are being used.


In this case there would be nothing left worth of intervening. Chernobyl exclusion zone could be extended to whole Ukraine, maybe Europe. The upcoming problem for humankind would make Ukraine vs Russia forgotten.

Max Beckhaus

More weapons should do the job. There are still some tasty weapon salami slices out there, like the Taurus cruise missiles from germany and those ATACMs from the USA. Usually the west likes to throw in something when Russia escalates.


the only case of NATO’s direct intervention would be complete (or at least very significant) deterioration of RF state with serious risk for the nuclear arsenal. And that would be rather done with ONZ blessing with India and China involved.


not really, that depends on the water levels after the flood recede. The channel is a few km below the dam, at the moment the most danger is not in the ‘lack’ but poisoning the water with fuel, chemicals and all the stuff which the flood takes along the way.


Very tentative situation at the end of the day:
UA captured Novodonetske;
RU regained control of Neskuche and Novodarivka;
UA advanced towards Berhivka
UA attacks repelled elsewhere


RuAF destroyed 8x Leopards, 3x AMX-10 & inflicted1500 cas. on the Ukr. side.
In the meantime completely wiped out ‘insurgents’ from >>’Whatever, Russia’ Legion<< apparently got upgrade in the NATO biolabd and currently are burning through 3rd life (this is that secret MARIO-BROS OP, right?).
Sadly there is no reports about Ravaging Beavers. Yet.

Max Beckhaus

13 Std.
I have seen today so much where I could say something, but it is so hilariously good what Russians believe is happening. I will not spoil the fun, yet.


This from the Guy that claiming Russin defeat from week 3.
I hope for my own securety and that of my Friends that our generaals are a bit more realistic, and also for the Ukrainians.

edited for typos

Last edited 1 year ago by ASimpleBelgian

Well, one could argue that Russians were defeated from week 3. They only have enough military force to take Ukraine by surprise. When this failed, they had no plan B, and their best troops and armor vehicles were already lost. Russia never recovered from this initial blow.

And week 3 was also the maximal extend of Russian advances. Since then, they are losing territories (on average).

Max Beckhaus

One should actually argue that Russia was allready defeated. The open question is if Ukraine will win. If winning is defined by getting back to the 23.2. line, Tendar has a pretty damn good chance of being right there too.


Complementary reporting, it’s good!


now it’s 11 leos already.


seems like 3rd combine batallion from the 2nd Agricultural Army on advance.


Jerome, how do you do? Missing new maps, and I think the last days were a lot of things to report, more to expect the next days.


There is nothing to report, or to discuss. Ukraine asks for silence, we can at least do that.


“all I see is fonts colapsing” (c) Zoka The One and Only Reverse Oracle.


I understood. Better no news than bad news.

Max Beckhaus

So the stream of refurbished Leo 1s should start about now with a dozen arriving in Ukraine every couple of weeks with in Germany trained crews. That stream should be pretty much endless for the rest of the war. There are more than enough old Leo 1s and 2s around. So the cold war gear finally does meet, not in Germany but in Ukraine, where else I guess, used by ex Soviet people.


Maybe. I am rather suspecting that it is ‘a Tiger effect’. They see ‘Leos’ everywhere like they saw ‘Polish armored brigades’ (yeah) a year ago, all over the place. So: maybe, or maybe not. We shall see when the dust will settle.

Max Beckhaus

No, you misunderstand me, I am referring to the promised 110 Leo 1s by Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. The first batch with freshly trained crews should arrive just now in Ukraine.


Right, Sry, my bad I mixed two posts in one.
BTW – RU claims to destroy some already. Ofc.
I think it is about time when they should start to announce shooting down F16s, too.


why i can’t see
any new article
from May 31st?


Respect for the current order of battle

Max Beckhaus

Talking about offensives, does anyone know where the 92nd is right now?

Max Beckhaus

Svatove, successful counteroffensive just today. If I d be Russia, I d have a look there…


The is no mercenaries on Ukranian side, only volunteers fighting for freedom.

You just proved that you are a Russian bo, congratulations!


They’re both there, though I’d not use the term (as the papers did) ‘mercenaries’ for the simple reason that they’re not really paid. Apart those in the Int Leg. and some present in numerous Ukr. units as ind., this ‘Polish Legion’ (as a separate unit) is kinda ugly scout’s team. Some questionable (and stupid as its seen on videos) individuals which will got prosecuted if they return to PL.


there are some questionable characters out there (war attracts all the scum) so maybe they will die heroic death (as they claim to desire) and we will be saved from seeing their ugly faces every again.


“Only volunteers fighting for freedom”. Really? Of course, you know each and everyone of them, don’t you? All the Europeans, the Asians, the Latin Americans. You know their bios, their past lives, their inner motivations, what arouses them (blood? never; money? God forbid!). Poor Tristan, living in his bubble and spitting out “proven facts”.


And you just proved you don’t know or understand NATO laws

Food for though

Why do you bother discussing with Tristan? He denies everything. You can point the most obvious thing and he will deny it or distort it. We were talking about the bombing of Kiev multistorey with the the army vehicles at the underground parking and was denying that they were military ones even when I pointed out that authorities arrested a civilian who was asking for forgiveness.


I stick to the facts, and look at the whole picture while you just repeat russian propaganda and focus on meaningless details.

And you can’t even present what I was saying. Try to be honest and don’t alter my words, thanks.

Food for though

There were military vehicles under the building, the authorities arrested a person who apologised for the harm he did, authorities said don’t post anything and yet you denied that the multistorey building that was bombed was used for military purposes saying “vehicles that resembled to Humvees”. I don’t alter your words. You alter reality! This is what I say. You deny everything!


There was indeed a photo of three “vehicles that resembled to Humvees” outside the mall, taken a few days before the strike. As far as we know, they may be just passing by (that was the Ukrainian explanation). After the strike, there were international journalists there. No one noticed any destroyed military equipment. Which is consistant with the Ukrainian explanation.

Food for though

You just play with the words. “Which is consistent with the Ukrainian explanation”. The Ukrainian explanation is that the Russians are bombing civilian targets because they are terrorist state. Of course officially they will deny that there was military equipment there. It’s not what officially say the Ukrainians. It’s what they do unofficially. And that is arresting a guy who filmed the building.


You just deny everything


as once wise Master Strategists said: ‘anybody can learn Polish on duolingo’. And lets take into account that ‘kurva’ is most spoken word in videogames community (including Russia).
So: absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, right?


Thanks but no need for duolingo as I understand Polish. Although I think you don’t like me, let me (perhaps) put a smile on your face by suggesting you check out the meaning of понос in Russian and Serbian.


I am not sure what ‘proud’ has to do with that, but best wishes.


Volunteers, not mercenaries. Get it right.


The UA army went on the offensive in the south. They took one Russian position in the area of Novodarivka, allegedly advancing by 250-300 meters. Fighting is also reported near Pryiutne, Makarikva and Opytne (south of Avdiivka).


Russian video purporting to show Ukrainian armored vehicles destroyed while trying to break into the Pryiutne area.


Geolocation confirmed?


No, I don’t have that. Maybe Jerome


Fighting seems over for now. It’s possible the Ukrainians have managed to capture Neskuchne and Novodarivka. We’ll see tomorrow.


47.819677, 36.742051


oops, sorry probably a browser cache problem, forget all about the zoom effect, it works


Thank you for your work on the maps
I also miss the zoom effect on the desktop. It no longer exists for me with mozilla firefox since I.D. n°458 and the disappearance of 3 scripts image_zoooom-js, image_zoooom-init-js-extra and image_zoooom_init-js in the source code of the web page…


Territorial gains in May:
Bakhmut front: +16 km2 (Ukraine)
Kupiansk-Kremenna front: + 9 km2 (Russia)
Avdiivka front: + 5 km2 (Russia)
Zaporozhie-Vugledar front: + 6 km2  (Ukraine) 


Jerome, comments timer is bugged. for example it says comment written 30secs ago. Comment time: June 2 14:45. My time June 2 17:22. I think it takes the server-side time and compares it to my local time or maybe the timezone is ignored. It also says 0 comments on this summary specifically

Last edited 1 year ago by danielius

Jerome, the website updates and map format looks really good. as always, thank you for all the hard work you put into this site!


NATO decided yesterday to give UKR security guarantees after the war.I find such a decision risky because it only leads to Russia waging the war ad nauseum. Such promises are of no use to UKR as long as RUS is in the country.NATO does not negotiate with states involved in a conflict, so RUS is playing for time.


What Putin now knows is that he did the opposite with the war, namely bringing NATO to his doorstep. To prevent this, the conflict must last as long as possible.

Max Beckhaus

Russia is dumb, but not that dumb. It does not matter what NATO says, Russia allready knows that a peace may lead to NATO membership. That’s why they invaded 2014 in the first place and kept the war cooking and they will try to do it again. The probability for a peace is low. There are probably only two ways, either positive Regime change or Russia accepts that Ukraine is gone both not very likely


Is there a refutation of the information that the warship Yury Olefirenko was destroyed?


and any proof he was destroyed?


there was a claim of damage (and video from drone camera strucking the ship), not destruction. Ru ofc. ‘destroyed everything and landed on the Moon to flank NATO already’.
There was no further updates in regard to the ship’s status.


Russia claims to have advanced in Marjinka ( Is there any merit to this claim? They avoided providing details


Speaking of which, what is the situation in Marjinka? The battle has been going on since the beginning of the war


roughly 60%-70% RU control.


Marinka is epic… In a flattened town with no decent shelters to defend itself, the RUS have been firing ammo after ammo for a year, but getting nowhere. As if the RUS were stuck and then shooting around out of boredom.
It’s like a RUS joke book where the war is screwed. One might think that the RUS are mocking the war here.
Greetings from Monthy Python

Max Beckhaus
Max Beckhaus

The long defense of Marinka deserves more attention. On 29 and 30 May half of Russian groundattacks were in that direction ( On 31 May Rus reinforcements (Chechens) in that direction (same sorce).

Max Beckhaus

Avdiivka and Vhuledar are also epic…


Vuhledar is basically Russians driving on minefields during the day and ukrainians replebishing the minefields during the night, wonder how the Russians can be so goddamn dumb


Ukrainians used artillery with RAAMS to lay mines in the aera that Russians already cleared. Sometimes, they even laid mines behind the tanks, so tanks were destroyed when they retreated.


That’s because in Russia a human life is worth nothing. If you don’t advance, due to minefields, your superiors will shoot you. The choice is either to die in the minefield or be shot by your own people. But yes, the Russians are still stupid because they let it be done to them.


Meaningless cliché


Cliché, but true.

Yesterday, Russians themself proudly announced that they used TOS-1A on Russian soil. They say it was against the Free Russian Legion, but who knows how many civilians were killed by these imprecise, hellish weapons ? Russians don’t value human life – including their own citizens.


Sure, this is why they’ve evacuated civilians from Shebekino, starting with kids. Typical of people who don’t value the lives of their citizens.


They didn’t evacuate the whole city. Chebekino has about 40 000 people. You don’t evacuate so many people in a few hours.

Truth is, they fired artillery shells and thermobaric amunitions on their own citizens. And they don’t care.


What are you trying to say? The local authorities are helping those who want to be evacuated, which is normal. On your second point, how brainwashed does one have to be to write such things?


it is normal to lay artillery fire (especially that lacking any precision) onto your own citizens who did not want or did not managed yet to evacuate? I would say that this would be one of the ‘hard and heartbreaking decisions’ in case of mass invasion. Debatable bit might have some military sense. In this case they are dealing with small group of ‘green people’ poking and messing around.


Vuhledar, Bakgmut (and other places) are a good demonstration how RF treats its own soldiers. Have no illusion that there is any sentiment for their own civilians. They are just population, often just biomass for the ‘Kremlin’s’ Towers, unfortunatelly – they are just as insignificant for the most of the rest.


You were right. The RU army is killing its citizens


srsly mate?
The ‘irony made great again’ is that:

  • ‘Ru freedom fighters’ *are* RF citizens;
  • as per Putin and his mouthpieces the whole Ukr is full of ‘Russians gone mad” so – every buller or shell is aimed at some “Russian”;

(this is how you land on the face when you start to believe in your own propaganda).


There are some funny people here who claim the RU army is bombing its own people (meaning civilians). The only visual evidence of the RU army killing its own citizens concerns those that have sided with the enemy. All the rest is speculation at best propaganda at worst.


ehm.. they literaly did 😀 Twice.
They were very lucky (and incredible incompetent, which was a big factor of that luck) that there was no mass casuality event. Yet.
The point you are dancing around (are you ever speak with Russian, lived near Russia, seen Russia’s Army in action?) is that RF and RFAF *does not care*. They never did. At all.


I know both Russia and Ukraine very well.


If you trust putin , ukrainian are russian.


It’s not for me to say who is who. It’s a question of self-identification. I respect what people consider to be.


And how do we in the west call An “Army” that is not fighting for a State recognised by our governements ?

Last edited 1 year ago by JustASimpleBelg

You don’t seriously expect answers when almost all of your posts are only intended to state the opposite of what was previously written. No matter what you write for facts, you always get an answer that twists the facts. you are a troll


It’s true that I am committing the grave sin of reacting to posts I disagree with. If for you questioning blunt and often baseless claims (like the Russians are shelling their own people, for example) makes somebody a troll then you will see lots of trolls in your life and I certainly don’t envy you. 


I don’t want to offend anyone. But sometimes it’s obvious that you’ve zeroed in on certain users here and are constantly commenting negatively on their posts or writing the opposite. Of course you can question others, that’s a good thing, after all there’s an open, democratic exchange of ideas…


It only seems to me sometimes that they want to ridicule it, or consistently follow through with their point of view, even if others refute the statements on the basis of facts.Maybe that’s her way, but sometimes it’s annoying… You never know if you’re serious or not.I also write ironic posts, but there it is obvious that they are not to be taken seriously.


I think your comment is well intentioned and will take the time to respond. What I take issue with is when people claim to portray (sometimes outlandish) arguments as fact. They feel they are the holders of the ultimate truth, have all the right sources, references.


Should anybody express alternative opinions or prefer to rely on different sources, they are immediately accused of refusing to “accept facts” or of being bots, trolls, agents, etc. This is a form or intolerance. Those people would do well to live up to the values they claim to defend by heeding the old Latin maxim: Audiatur et altera pars. 


Russians are the ones who claim to shell their own city. There are also videos of this shelling. What is baseless is your claim that they evacuated the city first. It is not possible to evacuate 40k people within a few hours without good logistics, which Russians don’t have.


I did not say they evacuated the city first. Where did you see that? I also don’t understand when you’re saying: Russians are the ones who claim to shell their own city. Who are those Russians? What’s the source? Where is the link?


You did say that. Just look up.

They source of the claims are several Russian media and milblogers, including Wargonzo.


Without a link, it’s just words.

Food for though

In the same way someone can claim that the civilians in Bakhmut and Mariupol they were used as human shields.


Tos-1A ? strategic weapon to repulse light infantery raid?

Tos were probably not preposionned there. on they probably not have the time to reach the front line.

Its probably just propaganda. tos is magic weapon in russia.


And how many civilians were killed please?


That’s what Russians claim. As for the evidence, there is some footage of a Russian MLRS firing in that aera (but unclear which kind of MLRS). There is also a confirmed destruction of a 2S4 Tulypan, a heavy mortar rarer as the TOS1A, near Chebeniko, so they could have some other important artillery pieces nearby.

Max Beckhaus

Iskander K (ballistic missle) cost about 3 million $, patriot missle about 4 million $. The grand new strategy of Russia to atride the poor West…
The anxiety in Russia must be pretty hugh, if they (he?) just throw away a important strategic asset like that for symbolism and destruction thru debris falling down.
Ukraine is so deep in Russias head, it just may implode.

Last edited 1 year ago by Max Beckhaus

By Russian logic, the Iskander K always destroys the whole Pariot battery (1billion), so western country have to send a new Patriot Battery everyday. Soon, the west will be bankrupted.

Of course, the idea that the hypersonic missile Iskander-K (after all, it’s a ground-launched Kinjal, so why not call it hypersonic too ?) could be intercepted by the patriot missile is unthinkable.

Max Beckhaus

Correction, the ballistic missile is called iskander-M the system is called iskander 9K720. The missile still costs 3 million dollars though…


I don’t think Patriot missiles can destroy the Iskander. Iskander was designed to be superior to the technologically older Patriots.

I think that Iris-T is responsible for the successful defense. Patriots are named because Iris-T can partially use their infrastructure.

There are currently only two fully developed systems that are successful against Iskander. Israeli Arrow and German Iris-T.


The interceptor variant being used by the Patriot batteries is the PAC3. Suitable to take out the Kinzal.


they can and they do. This system was modernised numerous times through decades of service. There is nothing magical about super- ultra- or even “mama-” sonic missles. They are just fast. You do not need faster interceptor, you need fast ballistic computer and radar array able to work and deliver solution fast enough to put the interceptor in exact place where missle will be.


Iris-T is of course just one short and medium range system. But this is enough to destroy approaching Iskander, because in the final stages of the flight, the Kinshal will slow down and become unmaneuverable.


you need to follow the news about the work of the Patriots. so far there is only information about tremors and seismic activity in the vicinity of the decision-making centers in Kyiv. and on satellite images, surface deformation of the soil is noticeable, due to underground detonation.


these are just ordinary sights of NATO UFO’s langings and trails of bio-engeneered mutant’s poop. Ah, and there are also tremors from newly trained Skavens, you know. NATO underground stormtroopers.