Skif battalion is now available

Skif battalion is now available

Skif battalion’s page has been added to our site. The page contains unit’s history, equipment, uniforms and warpath. Skif company Skif battalion is a volunteer unit established in 2014. The battalion participated in the battle of Shyrokyne together with Azov Regiment and is one of the last battalions in the National Police. You can learn…

Police action against protestors in Kyiv

Police action against protestors in Kyiv

Negative reactions caused an action of law forces as they demolished a protestors camp near Verkhovna rada. The camp was set up back in October and protesters demanded resignation or president of Ukraine, Mr. Poroshenko because of corruption. The protestors were also supported by ex-Georgian president Mr. Saakashvili. We are not going to investigate who…

Ternopil company now available

Ternopil company now available

Ternopil company’s page has been added to our site. The page contains unit’s history, equipment, uniforms and warpath. Ternopil company Ternopil company is a volunteer unit established in 2014. The unit was tasked to protect public order in towns alongside frontline and was never sent directly to combat. You can learn more Ternopil company on…

ATO is over, military takes charge

ATO is over, military takes charge

President of Ukraine, Mr. Poroshenko, signed law that officially ends anti-terrorist operation, known widely in public as ATO. The law was signed on February 20, 2018 and renames the conflict as “taking measures to ensure national security and defense, and repulsing and deterring the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.”…

Kherson company now available

Kherson company now available

Kherson company’s page has been added to our site. The page contains unit’s history, equipment, uniforms and warpath. Kherson company Kherson company is a volunteer unit established in 2014. The unit fought in Illovaysk and actively participated against protestors on Crimea border. You can learn more Kherson company on their page.

Battalion Kulchitskyi received new LAVs

Battalion Kulchitskyi received new LAVs

On January 24, 2018, Battalion Kulchitskyi received four new light armored vehicles Varta. The equipment was handed to battalion by Colonel Roman Leonovich, commander of 27th Brigade of National Guard. Varta is 4×4 light armored vehicle developed by Ukrainian company Ukrayinska Bronetekhnika. The vehicle was accepted into service in 2016 and handled to special force…