Svityaz Company is a volunteer police unit, formed primarily from the members of Maidan self-defense in Volyn in June 2014. The unit participated in the battle Ilovyansk, where they fought side by side with Donbas Battalion and made strong ties with the battalion. On January 30, 2015, Russian forces encircled Svityaz in Vuhlehirsk and they had to fight their way out. Later, Donbas Battalion came to aid and helped to deblock the unit.

Svityaz Company is regarded as one of the best Ukrainian volunteer Police units and highly respected among the Ukrainian volunteers.

After the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Svityaz company joined combined police battalion Zakhid, and later Lyut Assault Brigade. (source) The unit is now known as Volynsky Company, although Svityaz seems to be still the official name.

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Here you can find the last known structure of the unit, including their insignia if available.

Unit’s Headquarters

The unit includes the headquarters, management and commandant platoon.


We currently don’t have information about the unit’s equipment. Please check back later.

until 2022




| Amount: 1

Equipment Losses

We currently don’t have information about the unit’s equipment casualties. Please check back later.
We currently don’t have information about the unit’s insignia history. Please check back later.

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