March 26, 2023

Invasion Day 396 – Summary

The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 26th March 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time). Sloboda Front includes the area of between Oskil and Aydar river Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of: Hryanykivka, Synkivka Siverskyi Donets overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut…


The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 26th March 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time).

Sloboda Front

includes the area of between Oskil and Aydar river

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Hryanykivka, Synkivka

Siverskyi Donets

overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk vicinity

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Dibrova, Kreminna, Serebryansk forest, Bilohorivka, Spirne, Vyimka, Vesele

Bakhmut Front

includes the vicinity of Bakhmut

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Orikhovo-Vasylivka, Bohdanivka, Bakhmut, Ivanivske, Stupochky, Predtechyne

Bakhmut City

the city of Bakhmut

  • Ukrainian defenders conducted a localized counter-attack and regained some lost positions in the northern part of Bakhmut. However, the enemy advanced by a few houses near the reservoir. (source)
  • Wagner mercenaries attempted to cross Korsunskogo Street, but failed to achieve its goals and were eliminated. (source)
  • Given the recent advances of Wagner mercenaries in the southern Bakhmut, it’s safe to assume that the middle part is also no longer under Ukrainian control.

Avdiivka Front

includes the vicinity of Avdiivka

  • Soldiers of 110th Mechanized Brigade repelled a Russian attack towards a former military base south of Avdiivka. (source)

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Novokalynove, Keramik, Stepove, Avdiivka, Tonenke, Sieverne, Vodyane, Pervomaiske

Donetsk Front

includes the center and southern part of Donetsk Oblast

  • The enemy managed to advance in the northern part of Marinka. (source)

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Marinka, Novomykhailivka, Vuhledar

Zaporizhzhia Front

includes the Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • No activity reported.

Kalanchak Front

includes the left bank of Dnipro river south of Kherson and Kakhovka

  • No change on the ground during the past 48 hours.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.


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This summary and detailed maps are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official media channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and geolocated footage.

We also thank the following Twitter users for their geolocations and amazing work: @neonhandrail, @auditor_ya and the team at @geoconfirmed.

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After the three most deadly months of the war, first signs of a decrease of mortality.

Maybe ru run out of mobiks, maybe they just change their strategy.


For the purpose of Ukrainian counteroffensive, meanwhile, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense calls for silence and has imposed information blackout… Thus, conditions are being created for the counteroffensive, which suggests that Ukraine is basically on the verge of it.


I wonder why Russia gave up trying to encircle Bakhmut, surely encircling Bakhmut would’ve been much less expensive in terms of both equipment and manpower than just trying to smash the front door, no?

Pikująca Szozda

They’re clearly still trying to encircle Bakhmut, they just can’t do it.


Ukraine is constantly sending fresh reserves, including elite units, to prevent encirclement. Both sides are suffering heavy losses. Time will tell who will eventually benefit from the strategy each side has chosen to pursue.


Well let’s hope it’s in Ukraine’s favour


Closing the encircle IS always hard.

Russian unit are far away to their support. Expose to ukr fire on 3 side. And ukr aviation Can hit them.


UKR troops are always rotating, letting less experienced ( Territorial defence ) troops time to recover and alternate with fresh troops from reserves, Special Forces and more seasoned are deployed on the flanks or in the city center … They retain RUS troops to enter from the sides … Actually RUS troops rush to encircle the city but cannot due to precise flanks defences.


Despite all the problems the russian army still manages to advance, any change they might succeed in capturing bakhmut? Even if it mean another azoz situation? Still hope they lose ofcourse…


It all depends on the number of soldiers they can still spend.

They failed to encircle Bakhmut. They are now attacking straight into the city (worst way to attack), so they suffer heavy casualties. Russian army may still have some reserve, if so, they will eventually capture the city, but the strategic victory will be for Ukraine.


Still no signs of UKR counter offensives ? Are they betting on Russian attrition wear like in Bakhmut and letting them penetrate the UKR lines in depth to hit their logistic lines behind them and cut them like this ? Or still waiting for amassing more ammo and NATO equipment and launch massive counter offensives in multiple directions ?


I don’t expect Ukrainian counteroffensive before May/June. It’s still mud season.


Optimally, the counterattack will come when we least expect it and where we least suspect it. The Russians know more than we do here and we already know too much.

Assume that the counterattack will come, but don’t speculate on time and place. The planning is a highly sensitive process, the counterattack could even decide the war. Therefore, it is completely destructive to quickly wish for this


lmaof,what about the announced winter one?

Last edited 1 year ago by Bubochka

attack and spread rumors about it.

Keep calm, wait and be amazed….


For now, no Big attack before leaves on the tree.


Is the UKR 110th Mechanized Brigade having difficulty holding the defense north of Avdiivka?