March 10, 2023

Invasion Day 380 – Summary

The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 10th March 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time). This summary is dedicated to the memory of Dmytro Kotsyubaylo “Da Vinci”, commander of DaVinci Battalion, who died during the defense of Bakhmut on March 7. Sloboda Front includes the area…


The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 10th March 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time).

This summary is dedicated to the memory of Dmytro Kotsyubaylo “Da Vinci”, commander of DaVinci Battalion, who died during the defense of Bakhmut on March 7.

Sloboda Front

includes the area of between Oskil and Aydar river

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Hryanykivka

Siverskyi Donets

overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk vicinity

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Bilohorivka, Spirne

Bakhmut Front

includes the vicinity of Bakhmut

  • Wagner mercenaries captured Dubovo-Vasylivka settlement located in the valley. (source)
  • Ukrainian command deploys an element of 92nd Mechanized Brigade to the area of Bakhmut. (source)
  • Ukrainian General Staff reported a repelled Russian attack towards Oleksandro-Shultyne, indicating an advance in the direction of said settlement.

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Zaliznianske, Orikhovo-Vasylivka, Dubovo-Vasylivka, Bakhmut, Ivanivske, Oleksandro-Shultyne

Bakhmut City

the city of Bakhmut

  • Fighting continues in the northern and southern outskirts of Bakhmut.

Avdiivka Front

includes the vicinity of Avdiivka

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Krasnohorivka, Kamyanka, Sieverne, Vodyane, Pervomaiske, Nevelske

Donetsk Front

includes the center and southern part of Donetsk Oblast

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Marinka, Pobieda, Novomykhailivka

Zaporizhzhia Front

includes the Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • No activity reported.

Kalanchak Front

includes the left bank of Dnipro river south of Kherson and Kakhovka

  • No change on the ground during the past 48 hours.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.


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This summary and detailed maps are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official media channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), geolocated footage and press releases of Russian Armed Forces, self-proclaimed DPR and LPR.

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What is happening in the Donbass has nothing to do with Silesia. Donbass is the result of a man who did not like the fact that Ukraine wanted to become democratic. Donbass is the revenge because Ukrainians wanted to be free. Neither ethnic nor international law reasons play a role.


The whole thing could have been prevented only if Putin had been killed. Only that will end the war. Everything must be done to kill Putin somehow, somewhere….


Great plan, after it you will find out who will be the next after Putin. Chances are good that it will be worse.


Myli się Pan. Ślązacy też mają swoją tożsamość której inne narody nie uznają jak Rosja Ukrainy. Było tu bogadztwo złóż jak teraz na Ukrainie to każdy czerpał korzyści. Nawet flaga Ukrainy pochodzi od barw Górnośląskiej flagi. Mieliśmy autonomię która komuna zlikwidowała a nowa Polska jej nie uzna bo kasa kasa się liczy.


Poza tym demokracja wcale nie oznacza wolności co widać w innych krajach. Liczą się ludzie co mają wpływy a zwykli ludzie po prostu muszą żyć w takim kraju a nie innym jeśli chodzi o politykę.


Ej folk, a lahko šprehamo po angleško?

Every nation has some painful history, but right now it’s important to focus on Ukraine and let’s use English, so everyone can understand each other


Wrong forum to discuss Silesia


It would have been easier if back in 2014 the Russians of Donbass could have been vote themselves to RF and the Ukrainians where they have been in majority could remain.
NATO interests or not. The people’s nationality still matters, that’s why the war happened. Once the Russians would be enough, all change. Problem should have been solved easily without replacement of millions and destruction.


Even with the Majdan, UKR were sliced up by views of West Ukraine, the Center, and the Pro-Russian part. With this diversity based on geographic location, Ukraine seems too large to be unify the people’s fundamental views of politics.

It would have been more effective, if the Russians leave with their majority territories to RF, and the rest can walk their own way without sabotage.


Do you really think that Putin cares about free election and democracy ? He just wishes to destroy it !

BTW, there are no “Russians of Donbass”. Russian-speaking Ukrainians, such as Zelensky, are Ukrainians. In 2014, it wasn’t a separatist movement, it was a covert Russian invasion.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tristan

Map of election of Viktor Yanukovich.
The Majdan happened to move him out. Supporters of him in greatest % are located in Crimea and Donbass.
His policy was the “Russian side” of politics, which not only got vote because those Ukrainians loved being Russians, but their ethnicity is Russian.

Being a citizen of a country doesn’t mean that the person is feeling with it, rather to another.


Political difference inside a country happens (see the map of political division in the united state for example), that doesn’t mean people who voted for Victor Yanukovich wanted to be Russian.

The only time people of Donbass were asked whether they wanted to be Russian or Ukrainian, it was during the referendum for Ukrainian independance. More than 80% voted yes.


Russian speaking does not mean ethnic russian. The Irish are not English even though both speak the same language.


Ti sbagli di grosso, Putin fin dall’inizio delle trattative ha proposto una votazione per le repubbliche separatiste ma zelensky ha interrotto tutto aggiungendo di non fare più trattative per la pace con la russia


Which is little sacrifice of some chunk of land, but this could’ve took out the blade from the support of attacking UKR, saving all this hell from the world.
I bet if this scenario happened, UKR could have been part of NATO from 2017 or so. The Russians got their treat, and if they want more, then they meet with NATO.
And this is why I say, both side have responsibility. But nationalists ruin.


You are so wrong. You don’t understand Putin’s goal, or what happened in 2014.

FYI, in 2014, the prime minister of the “separatist” DNR was Alexander Borodai, a Russian (not Ukrainian). The defense minister of the DNR was Igor Strelkov, a Russian FSB officer who pretended to be Ukrainian.
The whole thing was a FSB operation.


Putin’s goal is nothing if you can’t keep the people under your umbrella. So “dominating” for example Kharkiv is not possible because people are loyal to Kyiv. Locals with orange-black who opposed the Majdan, not imported Russians. Even if some leaders are.

What the locals want is matters, the borders not always reflect the loyalty of citizens. They made and then changed throughout centuries.


“Putin’s goal is nothing if you can’t keep the people under your umbrella.”

Let me introduce you to a political system called “brutal dictatorship”. Through propaganda, political repression, bribery, you can keep the people under your umbrella even if they don’t want to. Democracy and respect of people’s choice is a luxuary most human beings don’t get.

You know nothing, John Snow.


I know, yet, a hostile environment won’t let Kharkiv turn into a Russian Republic, but for Donetsk, they stormed the streets with orange-black flags.
I can’t install a power without local supporters, the building ends up in flame 0-24h.
Some of them need to secure the area for control. I bet both RF and UKR couldn’t believe 100% that Donetsk is in favor of their view or not.


I can’t install a power without local supporters,

You can install a puppet govenment with a small minority of local supporters (let’s say about 10% of people of donbass), bring Russian troops without their insigna (pretending to be separatist Ukainians), terrorise / arrest / displace the 90% of people who don’t agree with you. That’s what happened in 2014.


Hitler brought Germany to an economic powerhouse.
Putin brought Russia a lowlife. Putin couldn’t afford to invade any NATO country, because its a suicide. The two case is very different. If UKR let those little chunks, then it could save time until the rest could join NATO and the war is simply do not happen. Then Putin couldn’t solve problems with war. Baltics are safe same goes to UKR if it did


Oh boy you really don’t know anything.


Russia struggles to take the Donbass.
Hitler lost because the alliance formed. Now it is already an alliance, against a much weaker Russia. What Putin can do? Only attack who aren’t part of this alliance. If UKR drop the part of Donbass back in 2014, the peace-time creates opportunity to join NATO. If UKR joins NATO, would the war ever start? No.


It was an excuse for a ruzzian land grab of Ukranian and theft of their natural resources.


I am from a country where my “minority” (locally majority) shouldn’t matter because overall population is not like ours?
I think every “minority” which forms a local majority should have given the chance where they want to belong. Borders often made by politics, without asking locals.
No matter which great power wants to take a hand on the territory.


I think every “minority” which forms a local majority should have given the chance where they want to belong

And do you think that sending FSB officers to cheat at election is the best way to really give them that chance ?


Of course not. But sending FSB doesn’t illegitimate the will of people. If a land doesn’t loyal to the capital, then why enforce them to remain in?


I think that what matters is that the land was part of Ukraine. That the vast majority as turn/want to turn to democracy. Those who prefer russian way of life could always cross the border to live in russia ? Isn’t that what people in democracy do ? Travel, ask for working visa first then moving for good to a new country. Because they love that foreign land and want to live in it. No… Read more »


And when i say “the vast majority” i am of course speaking of the whole country.
If not, then in every country you would see small portion of the land declaring it’s independence. It’s always easier for people to move to a country they feel in love of, rather than redrawing the line of a country.

JJ Gonzo

Vesele (north of Avdiivka) is in rashist’ hands.


It has been written for almost a month that in Bakhmut the northern and eastern districts have been captured by the Russians and every day the fighting continues there, but somehow nothing happens there. There are clashes and heavy fighting in some parts of the city every day, but always in the same areas.

It seems to me that the Russians do not want to conquer Bakhmut completely or are stuck in


in the streets.

I think Bakhmut will not be conquered in 100 years. And when the peace treaties are signed in 3 (?) years, the fighting will still go on in Bakhmut. In the end, the Duma politicians are standing in front of Bakhmut with an outdated weapon because there are no soldiers left and they want to take it. Because they were persuaded every day that tomorrow the city
will be conquered…


And every day the groundhog says hello…


There is a huge steel making complex there which is a ukr fortress.
Hard to crack.


Yes, a mini-Azovstal. Wagner started storming it.


Russian correspondent claims Wagner Group troops entered underground mines in Artyomovsk Metal Processing Plant in Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine: Blog via Public Telegram Board.


Now I am a bit worried. Why deploying a batallion of the 92th brigade ? There are already too many brigades around Bakhmut, and the 92th is in front of Svatove – a city that is strategically important, unlike Bakhmt.

I don’t understand what Ukrainian high command is doing 🙁


I think they already said it, russian losses outperforms greatly ukrainian losses in that area. They fearing Bakhmut would be the forward outpost for a big push more to the west so they want to hold it. They want to broke as many units & materials & vehicles they can to weaken any potential offensive capability from Russian/Wagner.

At least that is what they said officialy.


Yeah.. what they say is BS except for the fear of russia pushing further
They have less losses than Russia and yet still have to reinforce their already more than 60k worth of brigades against Russias what 30-40k? Yeah sure… makes total sense
Also how they gonna inflict more damage on Russia if they themselves lose more equipment trying to do so?
Like take the L and stop weakening yourself.

Max Beckhaus

We are watching pretty much a military wonder, and you guys are questioning the high command producing it. That is, ehm, interesting.


I agree that Ukrainian high command has done wonderful things since the beginning of the war. But they are human, thay can make mistakes too. And what we see around Bakhmut looks like a mistake. I just hope that I am wrong.

JJ Gonzo

I am afraid it is no longer the case and casualties are now equal on both sides there. It is time to withdraw from Bakhmut and avoid making this fortress a mass grave, similar to Mariupol. Sirsky must really react and stop losing most precious units.


I think the point is that they can’t withdraw any longer. They are stuck – even small roads leading out of the city are within range of RU artillery and they are littered with burnt out UKR vehicles . Hence the preparation for the great counter offensive to unblock Bakhmut.


I have feeling that if UKR offensive is launched it will be very costly.
But not many choices for UKR.
This maybe their last big stand.
But I do hope it goes well.

JJ Gonzo

They still can withdraw through Khromove, the last passable road.


No safe escape routes now and very muddy roads. Sitting ducks for RF.


Wanting to break the best russian units around Bakhmut, that makes sense. But using a batallion of the 92nd for that purpose ? That doesn’t make sense. First because 92nd already have important things to do near Svatove. Second, because when your goal is the attrition of elite russian units, don’t use your own elite units for that: they will have casualties too and it would ruin your purpose.


Wagner – elite unit? Or just criminals?




Interesting that it was written here before that it was just meat


They have both canon fodder (the former inmates) and veteran soldiers.

According to some reports, most of the canon fodder is already KIA / WIA, so they are now fighting with their veterans.


Maybe the 92nd is just there to protect the trigger, which makes perfect sense.

But since wars are irrational, I’m afraid that this brigade is preparing for the last big battle, the urban warfare in the center. But since there are hardly any houses there now, it will be more of a street fight.

What is more reasonable now, the officers and commanders must decide for themselves.


If they do not clear Bakhmut, but reinforce it even more, something bigger seems to be planned in the area than just Bakhmut.

East of Bakhmut the main road leads directly to Lyssychansk? That would be the ultimate kick in the ass of the Russians.


Be skeptical of claimed casualty losses from both sides.
If 20,000 RF shells are/were being fired everyday and only 1% hit their targets that is at least 200 kia and 400wia on the UKR side everyday.
Think about it!


Where are the 20,000 shells a day supposed to come from? That’s over
100,000 in one week…. Behind the lines the logistics has collapsed,
not without reason Wagner demand for weapons, because the warehouses at
the front are as good as empty and nothing comes or only delayed. After
all, the Russians have to supply several front sections and that from
quite a distance and very bad roads.


Maybe not over the last few weeks. But that is why they are running low now. Ukraine was claiming to be firing about 5,000 a day at one time.


That’s why the Russians can’t take Bakhmut, because they don’t have the artillery ammunition. Otherwise, they would have completely flattened it long ago, as they did with Mariupol, Lysichansk and Sverodonetsk. At least, they did not manage to destroy the defensive positions in half a year, which they managed to do in the above-mentioned cities in much less time, but with much more ammunition.


Just think of what ruzzian artillary done to Aleppo in Syria.


Bakhmut is in ruins.

Pikująca Szozda

If 20,000 RF shells are/were being fired everyday and only 1% hit

Do you have a source for either of those numbers?


It was mentioned in various western sources – that is for all frontlines not just Bakhmut


The 20k figure comes from an estimate reported in western media several months ago. It is claimed UA return 2k-5k shells per day. It is difficult to confirm the accuracy of these claims, though it is sensible that RU volume of fire exceeds UA (RU has more guns). While the percentage given for ‘accuracy’ has no basis, it has been claimed that about 80% of UA casualties are from artillery.


Liveuamap today showed the front lines between Chasiv Yar and Klishchiivka shift east several klicks.

Here’s hoping that is evidence of a counterattack I was hoping to see develop to protect the paved route between Bakhmut and Chasiv Yar