October 9, 2022

Invasion Day 228 – Summary

The summary of the 228th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 9th October 2022 (Kyiv time). Day summary: Ukrainian Army advanced closer to Svatove in Luhansk Oblast, while Russian forces reached the outskirts of Bakhmut from the south. Russian troops attempted to cross the border in the area of Budarky in…


The summary of the 228th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 9th October 2022 (Kyiv time).

Day summary:

Ukrainian Army advanced closer to Svatove in Luhansk Oblast, while Russian forces reached the outskirts of Bakhmut from the south. Russian troops attempted to cross the border in the area of Budarky in Kharkiv Oblast, but were caught and forced to retreat.

On Saturday morning, an explosion rocked the Kerch Bridge connecting occupied Crimea with the Russian mainland. The road bridge partially collapsed, the state of the railroad bridge is currently unknown, but given the released photos, it seems to be only lightly damaged.

Sloboda Front

includes the area of between Oskil and Aydar river

Svatove direction

  • Ukrainian forces advanced closer to Svatove and liberated Stelmakhivka settlement.
  • Ukrainian General Staff reported shelling of Ukrainian positions in the vicinity of Pershotravneve. The settlement is likely under Ukrainian control.

Bakhmut Front

includes the vicinity of Bakhmut

  • Fighting persist in Bakhmutske and Soledar.
  • Russian forces attempted to advance in the direction of Krasna Hora. The attempt was stopped by the defenders.
  • Wagner’s mercenaries, who operate in this area, managed to advance by another few meters closer to Bakhmut from the east.
  • Ukrainian General Staff reported a repulsed attack in the direction of Ivanhrad, indicating the enemy captured Vesela Dolyna and likely Zaitseve as well.
  • Russian forces attacked Ukrainian positions in the vicinity of Mayorks, Zaitseve (southern one) and Andriivka. Neither attack did succeed.

Siverskyi Donets

overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk vicinity

  • Ukrainian defenders repelled a Russian attack towards Terny. The report by Ukrainian General Staff indicates that Russian forces are closer to Terny vilage than we previously through.

Donetsk Front

includes the center and southern part of Donetsk Oblast

Donetsk Oblast

  • Ukrainian troops repelled a Russian attack towards Niu-York.
  • The enemy attempted to break through Ukrainian lines in the direction of Krasnohorivka, Vesele and Kamyanka. They weren’t successful.
  • Russian troops tried to advance and capture new positions in the area of Nevelske and Pervomaiske. The fighting continues, the enemy managed to capture the first line of houses in Pervomaiske.
  • Ukrainian forces repelled yet another attack towards Pobieda and Novomykhailivka.

Zaporizhzhia Front

includes the Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

  • No change on the ground during the past 48 hours.

Kherson Front

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv

  • Russian forces attack Ternovy Pody settlement. Ukrainian defenders successfully repelled the attack.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.


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This summary and detailed maps are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official media channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), geolocated footage and press releases of Russian Armed Forces, self-proclaimed DPR and LPR.

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Max Beckhaus

“The way out of the conflict is for Russia to leave Ukraine,” Sanna Marin answered. “That’s the way out of the conflict.”
Read my lips, Musk: No negotiations, befor Russia left Ukraine, all of it.


I still believe that the Crimea bridge was a FalseFlag operation to have an argument for such terroristic actions. I also believe that the next ukrainian move will be a cut between Kherson and Mariupol. I’ll wager that Mariupol will not be russian territory with Christmas, and I also doubt that Putin is still in reign (or alive) at that point. It’s just a gut feeling, though


If it was, they might have not noticed there was a train full of fuel in the railroad. Bombing one side of the highway seems something Putin could do, endangering the railroad, seems a step too far for a false flag operation… even for Putin.


(1/2)I agree that it remains questionable. But I can imagine several arguments here. It is possible they were stupid enough to not know that the train was there. Also, I can imagine that, looking at the actual damage and the speedy recovery, it was planned like this (but I have no idea in what detail such damage is predictable). The recovery was so quick, I really have my doubts here.


(2/2)Also, just a play of thoughts, imagine they took the risk to blow the whole bridge into nirvana, so Kherson/Crimea was cut off. It would have been a means to either totally escalate or more or less give in and call it quits, retreat there and focus on Luhansk/Donesk. Regroup, and try again later

Last edited 1 year ago by Matthias

In the absence of convincing results on the military field, Putin is attacking the civilian population and making the Belarusian rookie bark. When will the Russian people finally wake up from their fatal lethargy?


they won’t in any near future, why – check Vlad Vexler’s videos on YT.

Roberto C.

Sit no negoziate what? All area Military occupied now are part of Russia ( for Putin only) that means in no way he intend to negoziate any partiamo withrawl. Putin itself has decide this Is not a war, meaning It Is something somehow not so hard.


Putin and his hordes have left the consensus of civilization, as defined by the Geneva Convention, which protects civilians at times of war. These are war crimes full stop.


I think that was the point of Jordan Peterson that inherently Putin can’t “lose” in the traditional sense since the worst-case scenario for him is Ukraine becomes scorched Earth and blames the West for it. I guess we’re entering that phase. What I think is that this war will drag on, and Russia will start importing weapons from China, and at some point will leave Ukraine.


China wont sell any weapons to russia.. China has big problems with economy, and last thing they need right now, are any western sanctions…


Russia has a lot of tanks, so many that you can even give them to Ukraine. How it was in Izium

Roberto C.

Who is going to sit inside those tank?


Patriots 20 years old, on both sides. One side defense own country from real invasion, another side with shit in head defense own country from NATO, EU, US, nazi, LGBT etc. Sad but true


China can Sell weapons to russia, western cannot afford to sanction China, it is already on the verge of a general recession due to Ursulita’s sanctions, imagine if it occurs to it to sanction the “factory of the world”


China has its own problems with its real estate housing bubble. They would have already provided weapons to Russia if they wanted to. China’s real estate company Evergrande has 305$ billion debt


Its a race for who to blame for starting the global crisis: Europe with its energy crisis, China with its huge debt on real estate or USA for printing 40% of total money during covid and giving it 0% interest to banks

Pikująca Szozda

China could be selling weapons to Russia, but they’re not, and they won’t. It’s not in their long-term interest.


try to avoid patients pretending to be therapeutists (or philosophers, which is kinda rich). Until ofc. you are convinced that Putin is saving the worlds from the Woke Invasion. Starting with fighting against mutated pinky Ukrainian nongendered ponies.


Tem que matar logo esse Putin 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇧🇷🇧🇷