August 7, 2022

Invasion Day 164 – Summary

 The summary of the 164th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 6th August 2022 (Kyiv time). Day summary: Russian army focuses on breaking through Ukrainian lines in the vicinity of Avdiivka and Pisky at all costs, but so far is unable to advance deeper into Ukrainian controlled territory, and has only…


 The summary of the 164th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 6th August 2022 (Kyiv time).

Day summary:

Russian army focuses on breaking through Ukrainian lines in the vicinity of Avdiivka and Pisky at all costs, but so far is unable to advance deeper into Ukrainian controlled territory, and has only minor gains. Russians have more success in the area of Bakhmut, where the troops are approaching the outskirts from the south and east.

Ukrainian forces successfully repelled most of the attacks on their positions in the last 48 hours.

Kharkiv Front

includes the area of Kharkiv and Chuhuiv

 Kharkiv & Chuhuiv direction

  • Fighting continues in the area of Husarivka.

Bakhmut Front

includes the vicinity of Bakhmut

  • Ukrainian troops retreated from Travneve and Kodema and moved to more favorable positions. The enemy captured these two settlements later on.
  • Russian forces reached the outskirts of Kodema, fighting is ongoing.
  • The enemy attempted to advance towards Zaitseve, but the attack was repelled.
  • Russian forces continue to attack Ukrainian positions at Bakhmutske, Soledar, Yakovlivka and the western outskirts of Vershyna. Ukrainian defenders repulsed all attacks.
  • A complicated situation remains east of Bakhmut. Russian troops continue to put pressure on the defenders from the direction of Pokrovske and are slowly advancing towards the city.

Slovyansk Front

includes the vicinity of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk

Slovyansk direction

  • The enemy tried to capture the western outskirts of Bohorodychne, but without success and withdrew.

Note: As there is no solid confirmation that Russian troops are located in Bohorodychne and Ukrainian General Staff reported a repelled attack on the western outskirts, it seems Russians are no longer in control of the settlement.

Siverskyi Donets

overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk vicinity


Donetsk Front

includes the center and southern part of Donetsk Oblast

Donetsk Oblast

  • Fighting continues in the vicinity of Krasnohorivka, Pisky, Avdiivka and Krasnohorivka (north of Avdiivka).
  • The enemy tried to break through Ukrainian lines in the direction of Nevelske. The assault was repelled.
  • Russian forces attempted to advance and capture new positions in Marinka, but didn’t succeed and were forced to retreat.
  • Ukrainian forces repelled a Russian attack towards Pavlivka.
  • The enemy attacked Ukrainian positions near Prechystivka from the direction of Novomaiorske. The attack was successfully repulsed.

Note: The recent report by Ukrainian General Staff clarifies of who is in control of Novomaiorske. It seems Russian troops captured the settlement a while ago.

Zaporizhzhia Front

includes the Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

  • No change on the ground.

Kherson Front

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv

  • The enemy, yet again, tried to regain lost positions near Lozove with no success.

Ukrainian side announced a strict embargo on all information regarding Kherson Oblast and advance of Ukrainian troops. The only allowed source for this area are the reports by Ukrainian General Staff.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.


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This summary and detailed maps are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official media channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), geolocated footage and press releases of Russian Armed Forces, self-proclaimed DPR and LPR


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Ukrainian troops always “retreated from (..) and moved to more favorable positions”.

As always! Soon yhe best position will be Dnestr River.


Dnepr ! would be a rational Plan C – astonishing lesson from this war seems to be that rivers are a new stronger fortification asset against logistic necessities // while drones + long range artillery make instant ponton-bridges very vulnerable …


@jerome 300 caracter is very short. Maybe 400 is a better compromise.




UA morning report mentions that RU attempted to advance at Novobakhmutivka-Krasnohorivka direction – so Novobakhmutivka is RU-controlled? .


An interesting map to the russian BTG in ukrain (of course its an estimation). Nb: probably all btg are not complete or at egal quality.

If true,
Next battle defensive or offensive clearly in south.


And if true, russia clearly abandon the capture of slaviansk/kramatorsk.


wouldn’t say abandoned, but more likely postponed their offensive there, but they are starting to get into bakhmut, which would be a really good position to advance further, to capture siversk and at some point kramatorsk and sloviansk. that’s why there is a lot of talk about the holdouts outside of bakhmut that are being captured, because they were vital to hold on to bakhmut for a longer time


Look a map . Siversk is far away from bakmut. Capture bakmut will not help a lot for Siversk.

Scout reach bakmut. Like scout reach Siversk. But Siversk is still UKR. Keep calm scout units somewhere dont mind strategic victory.


siversk depends on the supply lines from bakhmut


Why did you decide that the Ukrainian forces retreated from Kodema?


I think you misinterpreted the messages of the General Staff UAF.
Firstly, there is the southern Zaitsevo and the General Staff could have in mind an attack on it.
Secondly, between Kodema and Vershina there are roads along which northern Zaitsevo can be attacked.

Max Beckhaus

Frontline stabelized, oil price wti below 90, russian economy in big trouble, grain shipment picking up and western air defense systems coming next. On top it looks like ukraine can shift the focus in direction kherson. Winter is coming for russia.


Winter should bring some change to troop movement. Once ground freezes tanks become more usable again, defensive value of swamps decreases.


And winter equipment magically will appear, right?
(they did not have it in reasonable amount, hence so many frostbites, when they started in Feb, sic!). Winter means also more breakdowns, unlike popular beliefs RU equipment is not ‘winter-proof’ by design.


but it’s safe to assume russia has winter equipment, after all it’s russia. and it’s even safer to assume that their soldiers will get those winter clothes, and their tanks can operate up to minus 40 degrees celsius, so they are basically winter proof, but keep in mind ukraine also uses those tanks. and also basically every weapon today is winter proof. winter warfare weapons aren’t a new thing.


the keyword is ‘It’s Russia’. They proceeded with these ‘manuveurs’ and ‘exercises’ during the February while preparing to invasion. And if you expect that the situation will be better in the ‘war normal’ than ‘excercise’… well.


Yes, Russians blitzed very effectively in February… most of the gains you see now happened during those first two weeks. Only problem they ad was when Ukraine flooded the northern pass. That’s not going to happen everywhere.

Max Beckhaus

“blitzed very effectively”? I don´t think so.


A very interesting report ‘from inside’ with respect to equipment appeared yesterday:


Here the original post in Russian language.

Giving a spotlight on both, the ongoings on the battlefield and the topic of sanctions.


I don’t know if RU economy is in such big trouble. So far least, it has shown impressive resilience:


Modern states are complicated and resilient beasts,they do not die in a few months. If someone expected that RU will collapse in a short time- that was a delusion. RU will survive ofc (until something drastic and unexpected happens) but won’t thrive and a war is a costly bussiness. At the moment – they went into deficit (for the 1st time since rebound in early 2k) and it won’t gonna better.


expect a lot of “sanction does not work” narrative exactly *because* they are started to bite.

Max Beckhaus

Russias economy is suffuring hard.
Yale is one of the best economics school of the world. I am economist. Everything else are russian narratives.


Appeal to authority and ad hominem. Basically what you are saying is that everybody should take this paper as the ultimate truth and every possible criticism must be discarded right away.
EVERYBODY is suffering hard, these are interesting times. Who loses and who wins is arguable.

Max Beckhaus

I am basically saying that any of our modern gadgets are due to sience and these guys happen to be the best scientists in the field of economy. Now you can believe into the numbers of russia and the narratives of its trolls if you like. I won´t stop you. That will not change that it it is highly probable that those guys are right.
Btw, nobody in the west is suffering hard.


Both science and engineering require criticism. Stating something and declaring that anybody who’s against it is a Russian agent is fine, but it is not in the realm of scientific inquiry anymore, it becomes a political statement. Surely, both science and politics influence each other and I couldn’t shake off the feeling while skimming through the paper that politics was in the driver’s seat here


Btw, nobody in the west is suffering hard – as someone living in the Western Europe I appreciate the good news and I am not indeed, not yet at least. Only, the Dutch farmers, Lufthansa stuff and even Liz Truss acknowledging ‘hard winter’ make me worry a bit, but well, maybe they all are doing it just for fun.

Max Beckhaus

While we are at defining. Plz define “suffering hard“ and put that into context of ukrainians, westeners and russians. So westeners are suffering hard? Who died, got sick, injured? Is there anything you can’t buy anymore? Are you suffering hard? I live in germany and i don’t know anyone. We will suffer hard because of 18 degrees in our nice apartments?


to Max Beckhaus:
For you, obviously, the West begins at the Czech-German border. I live east of that border, which means a country with 1/3 the salaries but the same prices in the shops as you have. Fortunately I make a decent living myself (though not as much as people in your country), but there will be plenty of people and families here for whom energy prices will be a big problem…


…For this one though, I can’t tell if it’s more a credit to the stupid Green Deal or Russian aggression. Probably both.

Max Beckhaus

The west allready won.
Russia is of the table as a threat apart of its nukes, politacly isolated, economically and militarily degraded. Nato won 2 more capable members and ukraine is a de facto member now.
Russia allready lost, see above.
The only question to be answered is if ukraine, or may be even russia, will win the war, depending on how you define “winning”.


the Zirkon generation (Russia still ahead of China) neutralizes the dominance of the US Carriers –
the West is dependant on (outsourced) China & Asia and still highly dependant from energy supplies

Max Beckhaus

RF can’t even beat ukraine and you are saying it can beat the us?
China is just as dependant on the west. That is why they wouldn’t start stupid stuff like this. No one is dependant on russia, btw. 9% of the energy market and weapons, thats it. Russia sanctions are like a annoying small accident for the west. For Russia it is crashing full speed into a wall.


Don’t be too sure of that. To get a tiny impression on what´s going on beyond yours horizon:


Have you considered a ‘nobody wins’ scenario? I mean it is generally accepted that a war is a zero sum game. But it can very well be the case that it’s a negative sum game and then everybody just loses. Happened many times in history

Max Beckhaus

It is a question of definition as stated above. History says the allies won ww1. In my reality everybody lost. By most standart macjhiahiavelliesk definitions the west will end up being a big winner.


West is going to lose in the long term. Permanent high energy prices, because can’t buy from terrorist Russia anymore. And Ukrainian refugees which don’t want to go back their country. Russia also will lose, sanctions take society back to middle ages. Ukraine might win, if they take back Crimea and the autonomous territories… and the world might avert WW3 because China can’t do it on their own.


different to popular believes russia does in fact have a lot of allies, even in europe. and they also have a lot of willing buyers in other continents. they are getting hurt by sanctions, but it won’t stop their war effort nor will it hurt them in the long run, all it will do is make stuff there and here (EU) more expansive. keep in mind russia has prepared for such sanctions for a long… Read more »


Russia have some allies. They are well known. Arménie, Biélorussie, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, and Tadjikistan.

“Not enemy” is very different to “allies”


yeah you’re not wrong, but nowadays there are many and different alliances, from economic to military. militarily russia has the CSTO, and economically they would have the BRICS.

either way nowadays positve relations are reffered to as allies, otherwise ukraine wouldn’t have any allies by your understanding, but that doesn’t seem that right does it?


The only “ally” of Russia in this war is Bielorussia, which is in fact a vassal state of Russia, not an ally. Other contries (including CSTO and BRICS) do nothing (or so little) to help Russia.

Meanwhile, you have 70+ contries who are helping Ukraine in one way or another. Including some of the CSTO and BRICS countries.


Ukrain official allies (on papers) are great britain, usa and … russia .

All of them are garant to the integrity of ukrain frontier.


Russia was prepared for a financial sanctions. Not for the disconnection. The state and the government survive (‘Kim will always has the new XBox’case) ofc.On the international stage RU is at its lowest (man…NKorea?begging for drones from Iran? what kind of ‘power’ it is?) – which means that every deal is and will be done with a loss – ’cause everybody wanna a bonus and they can.


2/3 They have got particular ‘allies’ in EU ofc. Strong Vichy party in France, Brexiters in GB, German neo-nazis, Italian fashists, Spanish neo-frankists and ‘separatists’, Orban (etc.), and we should not forget that the Putin is a ‘Moses for all incels’. Though most ‘we freeze’, ‘we will all die’ or ‘this is end of EU prosperity’ is just hysteria and ‘responsible journalism’.


3/3 We shall have a recession which we would have anyway. At least any incompetent PM can now say ‘it’s not my incompetence, it’s Putin’.


Lol. No vichy party in France.


There are at least two “vichy parties” in France, the main one being RN, whose leader said she wants to end the sanctions against Russia, and the second being Eric Zemour’s party (or whatever is left after his electoral defeat).

Eric Zemmour is both a fan of Putin and a Vichy history revionnist, so his party is literally and figuratively a “Vichy party”.


RN/FN looks pretty Vichy for me.


you do know that russia wasn’t condemned, by 2/3 of the world? they do have many allies ranging from south america to asia, all around he globe you could say, they are only sanctioned by the west and their allies, but other than that, they have a lot of other nations they can trade with. and seeing how BRICS is expanding indicates that there are many of strong nations that want to be friendly

Max Beckhaus

Not hurt them in the long run? Russia will be bankrupt at this speed soon. Their statefond lost 10 billion in one month. At that speed it will be depleted in 19 month. And i am not even going to start on the economy…


i know that this is impossible to tell, but does someone know with how many soldiers russia makes it’s attacks? like we just see ukraine has repulsed all attacks and it sounds impressive, but if it were only like 10 guys probing the defensives with no intention to capture it.. like yeah no shot


I guess it depends on which part of the front is attacked. BTW, it is still unclear to me how many soldiers RU has in UA. I have seen vastly diverging estimates ranging from 90,000 to 200,000 (without the DPR/LPR forces).


It’s not many, otherwise total losses across all fronts would be way more than 200 per day.


A lot of accounts states that the tactical level of engagements dropped drasticly. While at the start RuAF would deploy company and above elements during the operations, this dropped to the platoon or even effective squad level (~10-30) around a month ago. There is also much more SOF operations.


Russia is currently on a difficult balancing act between keeping enough soldiers in the front to prevent Ukraine counterattacks and not using too much of their reserve to have all the fronts implode.


is possible to know who is manning the frontline for the russians? Is the DPR/ LPR? it’s said that the russian are relocating a lot of btgs in the south, is this happenning?


from my understanding the east is basically mostly DPR/LPR and the mercenaries, the large groups of russian forces were sighted (satellite) near kharkiv and east of zaporizhzhia and ofc kherson. kharkiv is likely the next target to make some pressure in south and east for possible kherson offensive.

For the most part, Russians themselves are on the front lines now. They have already activated reserves and brought units from the far east and north into the battlefield. Assault units of the separatists no longer exist, and the rest perform the functions of logistics. 
The strategic initiative is on the side of Ukraine and therefore Russian troops are indeed being transferred to Zaporozhye and Kherson.This is a purely political decision, because now keeping Kherson and units on the other side of the Dnieper is very risky.


a strategic initiative would mean there is a strategical plan – and ressources for that
back to man power and military production ressources the russians could equip and sustain around 6-times the troops they are using now
without donezk and a depleted western assistance – no way to contain russia


Please, may you elaborate this further? Do you mean general mobilization? Personally I would think, that GM would come close to an admission of failure.


tactical-operational-strategical: can ukraine 1. stall the russians 2a win back the coast 2b win back crimea (manpower + attack equipment) -> bound russia 0 in its old borders – in desperation kiew may attack (on) russian soil with nato equipment -> russian regular mobilization .. Kaliningrad


Clearly, Putin went all in – economically, politically, personally. In foreign affairs and internally. To me it would not come at odds that an dictator at risk instead orderes a highly risky military manoeuvre in avoiding its failure. War is politics…


They could… but they didnt do it.

Actually ukrain is in total mobilisation and not russia .

Strategic plan (his official version)was put on the table 4 month ago. Since yet all happens like announced ( and probably better). But its only now that hard things will begin.

Wait and see.


Total mobilisation in UA is a joke. Have you seen Kiev? Men are enjoying sun and restaurants. I reaaly dont get it. RU has max 200k soldiers lets say that to beat them UA would need 400k. So either they have and they dont want to fight either 40 bilion nation cant mobilise 400k. Both cases are bad.


You have right on one things. With around 1 000 k , ukrain is not really in full mobilisation.

If we compare with france, during WW1, it was 7 000k.

But in front of max 300k for russia, …


So what they are waiting for. My feeling is that they dont care about donbas and kherson exactly like they didnt care about crimea. remember like russians came there and took wihout one bullet? and whole units joined them. it really looks like putin has a bit right that some of them want to be in Ru


Here is the war of artillery. Ukraine still doesn’t have enough of it. Of course it’s possible to mobilize millions, but what for? To put all of them with AK against tanks and cannons? It’s not a video game where you can teach many units for one step. Who will fund all these troops?


funding the troops will be a problem for after the war, i would assume, but yeah can’t exactly make a soviet style charge without the general people getting worn out after seeing the massive deaths and since a lot of them are conscripts, i wouldn’t put my money on them staying in the military. people today have media.

with such a massive offensive ukraine would lose the war within some months.


I must disagree here. Its about will to fight in whole country by all people and nation. I hve seen this when there was battle in Kiev but not in Kherson. In Kiev you could really see that all people were and wanted to fight with whatever they had. In Kherson I dont see this anymore. Apart from that you can win and fight without sofiscicated equipment. Afganistan is good example of this.


Afganistan was a totaaly different situation


If you are interested, just search on YouTube the video “Сиреневый парк”. It’s about how locals were shoot by Russians. And you will see how it is to attack tanks with nothing.


can’t excatly understand them, but yeah attacking a tank without having the weapons to fight against one wouldn’t be that fun i assume.


Yeah, the numbers just don’t add up. Either Reznikov is lying that they have 1 million mobilized, OR they’re trained in theory but don’t have weapons so not in troop count, OR they are ready to go and just waiting orders, meaning they’re not confident they can take on 100k+ Russians with just 1 mil.


They are on their 4 stage of mobilisation. The 2 first are Probably train (some of them probably have the time to follow specialist training).Some of them was engage in dombass. The third probably close to finish his initial training . The rest still training.


‘1mln mobilised’ is probably a propaganda’roundup’.though the number is realistic for such population(in full total war economy they could go for 3 mln easily even more in ‘barrelscrap’ mode). Assume 1/4 in the field/training and the rest in support roles (in US standard ratio would bemorelike 1/6).


I’m interested in your comment about RF being able to equip 6 times the current forces in Ukraine. The current forces do not have advanced tanks, logistics is a mess, they don’t even have NVGs. How is this a modern army?

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe8$

He doesnt talk about a modern army (russia is not a modern army).

Before this war, russia was (in theory)able to mobilise, train and equip a very big defensiv army in less than 6 month . With soviet material of course.

But now, the military who was plan to form this army are on the frontline.

Last edited 2 years ago by dolgan

Copy. It seems like throwing soldiers from either side on the front lines is destined to fail without artillery, air power and enough people to occupy and defend said frontline. I’d guess for the Ukrainian side they’re just getting the right type of artie and the RF lost momentum


2 camp have lot of art. RF have more canon/bm21.Ukr have better gunners (8 years of wars) and now better artillery (155mm and himars. Not a lot. )

2 camp havent aerial superiority.

Ukrain have the mass to cover all the frontline. Not RF.

But we dont see ukr in massiv atk. Bigger was 1k in karkiv


tho keep in mind the ukr are not happy with the artillery being send (except himars) M777 were often criticized and since they lack their most important feature they are just normal artillery thus not better than what the russians have, the russians are also experienced soldiers that are in fact able to shoot with artillery, so X years of war is not a good measurement of the quality of troops.


No, they can hardly maintain the combat capability of already deployed units.
This is evidenced by the redeployment of troops from far east and the transfer of obsolete equipment. The strategic initiative also consists in imposing the battlefield on the enemy, and Ukraine is doing this.


I love these western theories who explain us that Ukraine is winning the war. Like Defense in depth, who conducted to lose Severodonestk and Lysychank.
Now it is strategic initiative, because RU sends troops in the south.
But maybe they still have the initiative to attack Mykolaiv or Zaporiziah.


hardly maintain the combat capability

then why are they pushing? they do rotate their troops but this is not a show of lacking compentence, but rather shows that they know what they are doing. rotating troops is crucial in war. fresh soldiers fight better than worn out ones. no equipment is obsolete, having something is better then having nothing, a lot of equipment is also send to DPR/LPR forces


You are talking to Rf? Where did you see they are making rotation ?


like the time after they got lysychansk would come to mind, the massive troop movements to inside of russia to reorganize, rotate and redeploy. Russia doesn’t have a bad military. they have actual thinking people in it, they aren’t disorganzied nor are they failing at acknowledging their mistakes and making imporvements. But either way if you think that russia isn’t rotating than that’s your thing


they have to ‘push’ even a 100 m (which is later described as another ‘breakthrough’ in the media. RU cannot politically be on defence, hence not very wise decision to saturate the Knerson woth troops which inevitably will be hard to support (even without the damaged bridges it would be a challenge – supply lines are long and RU struggles with that even in more favourable condidtions)


I find this pivot to Kherson very interesting. They are pulling out of Izium, their main hub in the east two months before U.S. Land Lease starts working and filling Ukraine coffers with weapons… is it some kind of kamikaze jump, to get Transnistria before that, or something else…?


1/2I’d rather say, with my infinite HoI3 wisddom ofc, that it’s undecided gambling in ‘chicken game’. Who commits 1st will loose. The most devastating attack for the RuAF would be on the Tolmak-Melitopol,-Rykove line, not in the Kherson area itself. Assuming that the UAF has got some 6 free brigades able to fight during night (told ya, HoI wisdom).


2/2 cutting through the ‘corridor’ would render all the ‘novorossia’ nonsense irrelevant and put all forces on the West of this line at peril, Crimea bridge regardless (though blowing it would be a nice bonus). I’ve found (see my previous posts) this long telegraphed ‘counteroffensive’ somewhat suspicious. In any way, this alleviate pressure a bit on other directions anyway.


after all the times Ukr has said that they will start an offensive and after actually attacking in that area, that wouldn’t seem like a big stretch to put many troops there to defend it, but a offensive is unlikely for the time, but who knows. keep in mind they pulled a lot of troops out of the donbas for that too, those from izium are being sent to kharkiv for an possible (likely) offensive


RF send troops in kherson area only because Ukr was close to liberate kherson.


Strategic initiative is on the side of Ukraine : pure ISW langage elements without any materialisation in facts.
What strategic initiative ? they have destroyed a bridge in Kherson, this is their only victory since months, They have announced a counter offensive 2 months ago but nothing nada rien


Deception is an important tool in war.


Exactly. Offensive from two months without any result. Total propaganda. What I hear in the news is that Ru is in low morale fighting with old tanks etc but they are moving forward. Day by day. Even if from numbers they are less than UA. Someone is lying here.


They are proceeding in a way that needs neither modern technology nor numerical superiority of infantry. Just pound the defenses with artillery fire long enough and then occupy the scorched earth with infantry accompanied by those T62s as well. If you have an infinite amount of crap ammo, enough artillery barrels, and don’t care if there are any civilians in the zone, it’s doable.


They used to but now looks like Russian material is wearing thin. Only able to upkeep offensive in Bakhmut, even there it’s slow, despite attack from three directions. And Izium imploded as soon as they moved troops away. They seem to be at maximum occupation levels with the current troop count. War might shift to Ukraine in the coming weeks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ardiana

I bet that not much will change in upcoming months. This war will last years until one side crashes. Another turning point could be Putler death, then Kremlin might have excuse to start negotiating. Nevertheless Donbas is lost for Ua not even mentioning Krymea.