July 13, 2022

Invasion Day 140 – Summary

 The summary of the 140th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 13th July 2022 (Kyiv time). Day summary: Russian army continues to attack Ukrainian positions north of Slovyansk with minimum success. The Ukrainian defensive positions in the area seem to be well-prepared. The only exception is Kurulka, where the invaders have…


 The summary of the 140th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 13th July 2022 (Kyiv time).

Day summary:

Russian army continues to attack Ukrainian positions north of Slovyansk with minimum success. The Ukrainian defensive positions in the area seem to be well-prepared. The only exception is Kurulka, where the invaders have success.

A minor skirmish was reported from the Kharkiv front, but apart from that, Russian troops continue to hold the ground and conduct offensive operations only in the area of Slovyansk.

Kharkiv Front

includes the area of Kharkiv and Chuhuiv

 Kharkiv & Chuhuiv direction

  • Russian forces tried to advance in the direction of Dementivka, but the attack was repelled.

Bakhmut Front

includes the vicinity of Bakhmut

  • The enemy attacked Ukrainian positions in the vicinity of Vesela Dolyna and Vershyna. Ukrainian defenders repulsed both attacks.
  • The defenders also repelled Russian attacks in the direction of Pokrovske and Yakolivka.

Slovyansk Front

includes the vicinity of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk

Slovyansk direction

  • Russian forces attacked Mazanivka, Krasnopillya and Dolyna. Ukrainian troops were able to repel all attacks in the area.
  • The enemy also attacked Ukrainian positions at Ivanivka, likely via recently captured Kurulka. Russian troops are trying to find a way how to bypass the well defended Mazanivka – Bohorodychne line.
  • Russian forces captured Spirne in the east. Ukrainian troops remain in the vicinity of the settlement.
  • The enemy tried to advance from Spirne towards Ivano-Darivka, but without success and retreated to original positions.

Siverskyi Donets

overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk vicinity


Donetsk Front

includes the center and southern part of Donetsk Oblast

Donetsk Oblast

  • There was no change on the ground on Donetsk Front.

Zaporizhzhia Front

includes the Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

  • Ukrainian General Staff reported shelling of Ukrainian positions at Mali Shcherbaky, confirming the settlement is under Ukrainian control.

Kherson Front

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv

  • There was no change on the ground on Kherson Front.

Ukrainian side announced a strict embargo on all information regarding Kherson Oblast and advance of Ukrainian troops. The only allowed source for this area are the reports by Ukrainian General Staff.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.


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This summary and detailed maps are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official media channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), geolocated footage and press releases of Russian Armed Forces, self-proclaimed DPR and LPR


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7200 Ukrainian soldiers are considered missing, according to the Ukrainian ombudsman.



The Russians state they took more than half of Siversk. If true, that’s pretty fast. I thought there was a pause.


They got nowhere near Siversk.


Indeed, the information was inaccurate.


these statelets army ‘reported’ such claims and IIRC Kadyrovites, too. Take whatever from such sources with a wagon of salt (Russian MoD too, they already reported destruction of all Ukr aviation x 2 in total). Also – often presence of recon elements is described as “reaching” or even “taking”.

Yan UA

given the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled the assault actions of growing troops in the direction of Kodema.
That is probably the russians captured Zaitsevo, Gladosovo and Travneve

Yan UA

Why do you think that the russians bypassed Dibrovnoe from the West, not from the East?
Earlier it was reported that fighting was going on in the forest south of Mazanovka, probably Kurulka was captured from the direction of Mazanovka.

Yan UA

there is a dirt road along the forest from Dolgenkoe to Kurulka, you can drive there in armored vehicles and you can see it on Google satellite maps

Yan UA

second video with destroyed russian equipment wich geolocated between the villages of Mazanovka and Krasnopole https://twitter.com/Blue_Sauron/status/1547895411955732480
so maybe Mazanovka captured russian

Max Beckhaus

Till now Russia took bigger Citys only by at least threatening to complete a full surounding. With Kramatorsk and Slovianks that would mean a long way south from Izium an penetrating the Siversk-Bahkmut line and the Kramatorsk-Konstiantynivka line. The southern Flank would be wide open.

Max Beckhaus

Or they try it Head on, grinding thru Sloviansk an than thru Kramatorsk.
I don´t see any of this happening fast enough to outrun the logistical improvements on the ukranian side. The gun advantage of russia is getting the first big hit by the logistical issues arising from precision MRL.


To what improvements are you referring?

Max Beckhaus

New weapons coming in, learning curve with new weapons, newly trained personal from mobilization. Only about half of promised western aid is in Ukraine now. E.g. more precicsion mlrs, more 155 mm guns etc.


These systems help, but they can’t make up for Ukraine’s considerable losses so far, and it’s likely that Ukrainian armed forces are (and will remain for the foreseeable future) much less well equipped than they were in March, overall.

Source: Ukrainian Ministry of Defense: https://bit.ly/3AVgJh0

Max Beckhaus

Even worse, there was no amunition for the weapons that were left. It is anyones guess when Ukraines logistical lowpoint was or will be. Considering the success of Himars i would bet on june.

Max Beckhaus

On the other hand for Russia there is almost only one logistical way, down hill. There is visible evidence concerning Tanks and apvs. Mobilication Problems could be solved, precision strikes allready got less while ukrainians rise steeply.


Russians shelled Kurulka according to UA General Staff. Maybe UA liberated it? Why would russians shell their own position?


I did not see the Russians claiming they took Kurulka. What should we make of it?


According to twitter rumors there is ukrainian counterattack on Kurulka as we speak. So rus might have gotten it temporarily.