June 24, 2022

Invasion Day 120 – Summary

The summary of the 120th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 23rd June 2022 (Kyiv time). Day summary: Russian army captured a several settlements in the vicinity of Lysychansk as a result of Ukrainian withdrawal from the area. The enemy has also success south of Bakhmut, in the vicinity of Vuhledarsk…


The summary of the 120th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 23rd June 2022 (Kyiv time).

Day summary:

Russian army captured a several settlements in the vicinity of Lysychansk as a result of Ukrainian withdrawal from the area. The enemy has also success south of Bakhmut, in the vicinity of Vuhledarsk power plant.

Given the developing situation at Siversky Donets frontline, the outlook for Ukrainian forces in the area doesn’t look promising, and they might be eventually forced to withdraw from Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk to avoid encirclement. It’s important to acknowledge the fact this wasn’t a question of “if it happens”, but “when it happens.”

Ukrainian troops launched an offensive operation near Vuhledar and liberated Sevchenko settlement.

Belarusian army have started a military exercise in Gomel Region near the border with Ukraine. The exercise should last till July 1.

Kharkiv Frontline

includes the area of Kharkiv and Chuhuiv

 Kharkiv & Chuhuiv direction

  • There was no change on the ground in this direction.

Siverskyi Donets

includes the area of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut

Slovyansk direction

  • Russian forces attacked Ukrainian positions at Dolyna and Bohorodychne. The attacks were repelled.

You can find detailed maps of Bakhmut and Lysychansk/Sievierodonetsk area below.

Bakhmut Area

includes the vicinity of Bakhmut


  • Russian forces advanced west of Krynychne and captured Myronivka settlement.
  • The Russian advance towards and beyond Myronivka suggest that Ukrainian Army also lost control over Vidrozhennya and Roty.
  • The enemy recon element attacked Ukrainian defenders at Vershyna again. The assault was repelled.
  • Ukrainian troops repulsed a Russian attack in the vicinity of Vuhlehirsk power plant.
  • Russian forces captured the north-eastern outskirts of Klynove, fighting continues.

Lysychansk Area

includes the vicinity of Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk

Sievierodonetsk direction

  • Due to the large destruction of Ukrainian controlled part of the city (industrial area), the head of Luhansk military administration suggest Ukrainian troops might withdraw closer to the river. The fighting continues.
  • Russian forces attacked Syrotyne, Voronove and Borivske, without success.

Lysychansk direction

  • Russian breakthrough element continued to advance west and captured Loskutivka and Rai-Oleksandrivka. The element was stopped in the vicinity of Vovchoyarivka.
  • Russian troops advanced from the direction of Myrna Dolyna and Ustynivka towards Lysychansk. The attacks on Bila Hora and the southern outskirts of Lysychansk were repelled.
  • The withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the area of Hirske and Zolote was confirmed by Viktor Adrusiv, an advisor to Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs.
  • Russian forces attempted to capture dominant heights in the vicinity of Berestove, without success.
  • Additional Russian BTG has arrived to Novotoshkivske to support Russian offensive in the area.

South-Eastern Front

includes Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Donetsk Oblast

  • Ukrainian forces advances south of Vuhledar and liberated Shevchenko after hours of fierce fighting.
  • Ukrainian troops discovered Russian reconnaissance and sabotage groups in the area of Novosilka, Vermivka and nearby Neskuchne. The enemy forces retreated after a small skirmish.
  • The defenders repelled a Russian attack in Marinka.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

  • There was no change on the ground in this direction.

Kherson Frontline

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv

  • There was no change on the ground in this direction.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.


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This summary and detailed maps are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official media channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), geolocated footage and press releases of Russian Armed Forces, self-proclaimed DPR and LPR


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Peskov has previously described reports in the buildup to the war that Russia planned to invade Ukraine as “hollow and unfounded” and in February asserted that Russian troops in Belarus would be “pulled back to their permanent bases” after the conclusion of joint military drills. How to trust any word from russia?
I know you previously canceled my comment!!
That has only one meaning….


Yes, off course only one meaning… It’s the evil and dangerous Russian hackers who blocked your comment – on the personal orders of Putin. After all, your comment is able to bring down the economy and plunge Russia into chaos, isn’t it?
Until now, the all world believed the words of Peskov, and here is your comment… Imagine what a threat it is to Russia. Of course it was blocked.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vladimir

Please keep calm everybody. Jerome explained convincingly. No need to provoke or fight (back).


It’s just a joke, a laugh, in no way serious.


Peskov has previously described reports in the buildup to the war that Russia planned to invade Ukraine as “hollow and unfounded” and in February asserted that Russian troops in Belarus would be “pulled back to their permanent bases” after the conclusion of joint military drills


In fact, Volcheyarovka and the refinery were not taken by the Russian army, so the Armed Forces of Ukraine have at least this night to withdraw troops, despite 3/4 of the destroyed bridge.

Henry Whitworth

Pro-tip: Anyone citing “information” from Chechen mercenaries and Kremlin spokespeople is a liar and/or a fool.

Carry on.


It is a fact that on June 24 the road to Seversk was not completely blocked, despite partial fire control and a half-destroyed bridge at the intersection near the refinery. Therefore, the retreat of personnel from Lisichansk is still possible, despite the growing difficulties. It seems like the retreat order has been issued: https://censor.net/en/video_news/3349880/defenders_of_severodonetsk_received_command_to_depart_from_city_on_new_more_strengthened_positions_haidai


As far as I understood from several sources and comments on the censor.net, the remnants of the group in the Zolotoe-Gorskoe area surrendered. Reportedly around 800 (I used to write 500). I think Lisichansk will follow the same scenario: they will try to withdraw the most combat-ready units, the rest will be left for cover. I propose a lottery, who can guess the number of those taken in the Lisichansk-Severodonetsk cauldron: my opinion, 2000 prisoners?

Last edited 2 years ago by Vladimir

800 surrender? this is a big number. Is there any graphic evidence? I would suspect there would be some. Thanks


https://t.me/anna_news/35163 First news already done; I think it will be more videos in next days.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vladimir

Thanks. There are between 30 and 40 soldiers in that video. I guess that would corroborate the comment below by John that a contingent of max. 500 troops got trapped and broke up into smaller units.


A little more, about 60…. It may very well be, it could be also not yet prepared videos – who knows exactly now? But anyway they don’t offer organized resistance and are likely to swell the ranks of the surrendered in the following days. Earlier I said about probably 500 solders in the “bag”, it looks like the truth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vladimir
Head Counter

I counted 43, working from both ends toward the tall man wearing the grey t-shirt in the back row.


Yes, you are right. But there also other videos with small groups. Neverless the fate of those remaining in the encirclement is practically decided.


man i feel really sorry for all of them, because they were basically abandoned and left to die, they were the only ones who didn’t have a choice except to surrender and now they are POWs in a area where people get death penalties. some people would say that they have chosen to fight for their country, but honestly a lot of them are conscripts who never wished to serve in the army and now… Read more »


I don’t think they will get the death penalty. The treatment of “ordinary” prisoners is much more humane than that of captured mercenaries and members of the Nazi battalions. I even think that this is the best way out for them – they do not even look like soldiers, but forcibly mobilized and left to die. What does not add points to the government of Ukraine.


Which mercenaries do you refer to?


I mean the “foreign” mercenaries from ukrainian side – polish, georgian, croatian, english-speaking etc…


Where did you get your info on mercenaries fighting for Ukraine? Do you even know what a mercenary is?


Yes, I know – in different from you. Did you serve in the army yourself?


Of course he doesn’t know what a mercenary is. He’s a propagandist.


What fkn mercenaries?
Ruzzians are the nazis.


You are wrong: the russian destroyed the nazis and make europe free, you just forgot it. Or maybe never learned in the scool.


you mean DShRG ‘Rusich’ unit for example (such a lovely Russian nazi boys “like literally” full-nazi) or Wagner boss Prigozhin?
Foreign volunteers are not mercenaries. Russia uses mercenaries (Wagner). How many times you need to spread this nonsense?

Fjose Smørhatt

If people had Internet in 1940s people could have communicated with real nazis. Today we communicate we ruzzians (if you flip the ‘Z’ to the right it becomes an ‘N’…).


Wagner are mercenaries, 100% right. But Foreign “volunteers” -hahaha – are OFF COURSE also mercenaries. Don’t get excited and stay objective.

Fjose Smørhatt

Since you don’t know their motivation for joining the conflict, then you also don’t know whether they are volunteers or mercenaries.


I feel sorry for them too. And the blame falls on the head of Putin’s “svoloc”.

The attacker is free to decide what means to use. He has a choice. The defender must use what is necessary and what is available to him. He has no choice.


this way of talking abt human beings is horrible for my standards . i wont bet under any circumstances abt POW’s , I don’t know if it’s true but if it is I’ll suggest you to ask them directly .

Henry Whitworth

This is a Russian shill who spins for the invaders. What humanity do you expect from it?


And you are a typical descendant of fascists who does not have the courage to answer me directly. And I’m definitely more objective than you in assessing the situation.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vladimir
Henry Whitworth

Oh, I’d answer you directly you piece of shlt coward. Don’t worry about that.


Are you so brave on the Internet only? Did you serve in the army?


Go kill some women and children you piece of human garbage.


I agree, I went over a little with cynicism. I’m sorry. But I served in the army, participated in the funeral of about 30 soldiers, and therefore I have a slightly different attitude towards this war.


Such cynism is appalling but it might be deliberate. It may well be that “Vladimir” could name his 30 fallen comrades mentioned below but we suspect that there are quite some entities commenting here. It might be instructive to google *Vladimir site:militaryland.net* (or whomever for that) and track what they wrote & when and watch when they entered or left. Some had inactive days during holidays (for example May 1st which has a sad tradition… Read more »

Henry Whitworth

In short; A troll is a troll. And you’re right that people should take this threat seriously and not play along with the creeps as though they have some reasonable perspective to share underneath their spin.


You should feel proud Henry. From all the recent downvotes you seem to have started collecting lately for no obvious reason other than speaking truth, it seems the orcs are mad at you.


For your reference: I don’t even remember their names, I just buried them. But it was a long time ago.


Thank you, Vladimir. So sorry for all that.


You wanna play guessing games with peoples lives. Sounds like a sick mind to me.


I believe that if the Russians had captured or killed a great number of Ukrainian troops allegedly still in Zolote and Hirske and encircled, they would have released videos about that on social media as they did with the surrender of the Azovstal defenders.


of course , do not listen to unverified stories


TBH you really can’t trust anyone during this conflict. the most reliable sources are if either side admits to losing ground or if both agree to one statement. i’ve heard that ukraine claims that everyone got out of the encirclement and i’ve heard russian claims that there still are ~2.000 troops in Hirske encircled Neither side is trustworthy and you always have to guess in the grey area, which would be in the encirclement scenario… Read more »

Lewis H

The zolotoe pocket had closed up, why is this page suggesting otherwise? I am not saying certain Ukrainian elements did not withdraw but the Russian armed forces encircled that cauldron fully and there are still soldiers within it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lewis H

From what I have gathered, it was only mobile units (e.g. motorised and mechanised forces) that withdrew, the rest(light infantry and ordinary infantry numbered at around 500 or less) have been broke up into smaller units and placed into areas such as forests and etc. I gathered this through videos on telegram of small units being imprisoned by incoming Russian forces all around the encircled cauldron, little groups of Ukranian infantry one by one get… Read more »


Perhaps your thought is correct, but then they would not have surrendered, but fiercely resisted. I think that this is still the encirclement and the surrender of the remnants of the group. The same is planned for Lisichansk.


How would they withdraw when they didn’t control any roads from Zolote?


Not exactly. Russian MD clam is that there are up to 4 battalions still there.


You are citing russian MD, really?:)


/rolling eyes/ I am correcting Jerome (mean no disrespect here) about the official Russian MD view on the current situation. I don’t have means to verify if this claim is valid or not. So far I didn’t see any confirmation about thousands of POWs from the cauldron. Could be propaganda which is roaring from everywhere these days and this includes Ukrainian sources which are certainly not 100% reliable. Critical thinking (forgotten term, I know, google… Read more »


Listening to liers and citing them isn’t “critical thinking”. Also saying that Earth is flat isn’t.


No, its basic premise is that everybody can lie and/or be wrong (google for it, seriously, it’s a handy tool). All pictures of Earth are in fact flat. When someone tells you the Earth is flat or not, this is just data. You can believe it or not, it doesn’t even matter. But if you (yourself!) can logically prove that the Earth is not flat which is of course the case, now you’re thinking. Can… Read more »


If you assume everyone can lie, then you won’t prove anything by citing anyone. By your definition, you need to prove it yourself. Using russian md to prove any point isn’t “thinking”, it’s using a source than was discredited on numerous occasions just to show a condratictory statement. I might as well cite a fortune teller, and say that we should all consider what she says, cause it’s “critical thinking”. I sense that you never… Read more »


You’re twisting my words. I am not ‘using Russian MD to prove any point’, this is nonsense and in fact it’s the opposite of what I am saying. To recap why I did that in the first place: Jerome: “Ukrainian claim of withdrawal is supported by RU sources” Azog: “Russian MD clam is that there are up to 4 battalions still there” str: <is getting terribly excited that someone is citing Russian sources> And in… Read more »


You wrote “not exactly” to what Jerome said, thats stating he is wrong,and to prove that you cited russian MD. You are making logical error with this statement: “it depends WHAT is being said not WHO said that”, if a source is proven unreliable, it doesn’t matter what they say. By thinking like that, one will only listen only to the news he wants to hear, no matter the source, effectively closing himself in a… Read more »


Well, imagine you are invited to the World Anti-Russian Congress in some foreign city. You are lost and on a street you meet a prominent mathematician known for his brilliant contributions in differential topology who is completely drunk and a kindly looking lady who happens to be a fortune teller. You ask for directions and the lady tells you to go to the Convention Center two blocks to your left. Mathematician tells you to go… Read more »


We aren’t talking about things that can happen on the street on some random encounter, we are talking about official statements. Turning this into a joke doesn’t prove your point.


No, there’s a difference between one group occasionally being wrong or over-optimistic and another group that is the truth-telling equivalent of the “Nigerian prince” that just wants you to hold some money for them. Guess which one Russia is?

Henry Whitworth

I thought it had been confirmed that the Zolote pocket had closed up?


It was a gap for two days. But now is closed and deal is done. As I heard about 800 prisoners who covered the withdrew.

Henry Whitworth

Oh, I got ya. I had also seen reports that they withdrew out of there so I figured that meant it was closed up now. As of this publishing you’re showing the gap they would have come through.


Its a question of hours, impossible to know for us. Russian control all the road to access or leave hirske/zolotove. But in this war, we often see they have difficulties to control offroad sector. Lack of infantery.