Sumy Company is a unit of Special Tasks Patrol Police created in Sumy Oblast in April 2014, originally to defend the city and the border area against the possible Russian invasion. The battalion disrupted an attempt to destabilize Sumy Oblast and the seizure of local government buildings by Pro-Russian separatists in 2014.

In 2016, the unit was reformed into a company and a month later conducted a joint training with Azov Regiment.

On December 16, 2021, a head of police department of Sumy Oblast visited the unit. The unit participated in the Kharkiv Offensive in September 2022.

On April 24, 2023, Volodymyr Turenko was appointed as the commander of Sumy Company. (source)

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Here you can find the last known structure of the unit, including their insignia if available.

Company’s Headquarters

The unit includes the headquarters, management and commandant platoon.


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Equipment Losses

We currently don’t have information about the unit’s equipment casualties. Please check back later.
We currently don’t have information about the unit’s insignia history. Please check back later.

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