The Alpha Group is a special forces unit primarily tasked with counterterrorism operations. The unit consists of various specialized soldiers among them paratroopers, combat swimmers and drone operators. The selection process for the group is one of the most rigorous, only around 7% of the appliers pass the selection process.
Each regional office of SBU has its own Alpha group attached to it.
Recent News
Here you can find the last known structure of the unit, including their insignia if available.
“Uncle” Group
A group operating drones most likely consisting of volunteers from Western Ukraine.
“Kusto” Group
“Tiger Woods” Group
Artillery group of Alpha.
“Wing” Group
Specialized group of paratroopers
Here, you can view the complete list of the unit’s equipment. All images of the vehicles and weapons below are sourced from the unit’s official social media page.Current equipment
Equipment Losses
We currently don’t have information about the unit’s equipment casualties. Please check back later.Are you a representative of this unit and wish to reach us? You can get in touch with us via our contact form.