Russia deploy troops to Ukrainian border
The non-existent ceasefire ends today and Russia’s military hardware is on the move to Ukrainian boder. US Army troops in Europe raised watch alert.
People posting videos and photos on social media about Russian convoys heading towards the Ukrainian border. These convoys aren’t just regular military forces but also engineers and the airforce. What might be Russian intention is currently unknown as there are no scheduled exercises in the coming days. US troops stationed in Europe have been put on high watch alert as a crisis might be imminent.
It can mean a lot of things but in the end, it’s Russian territory and Russia can move troops as they wish.
Russian Engineers with pontoon bridges spotted 25km east of the Ukrainian border
Psovsk Airborne troops moving out of the base
76AAD preparations at Pskov
— Air Force Freak (@AlRFORCEFREAK) March 30, 2021
Russian agriculture facing a logistic shortage, all cargos have been taken by the Russian military
Russian agricultural machinery manufacturers facing sudden logistical hurdles as cargo companies say railway carts are now in military use.
"Ъ": производители сельхозтехники столкнулись с дефицитом ж/д платформ для ее вывоза
— Aki Heikkinen (@akihheikkinen) March 31, 2021
Military vehicles with painted marks spotted in Belarus, heading in direction of Ukraine
Krasnodar area, Russia
Kerch area, Russian artillery on the move
Russian train carrying 2S19 howitzers. Location not known
— Air Force Freak (@AlRFORCEFREAK) March 31, 2021
Russian helicopters in Rostov
A chain of the Russian military helicopters over the Rostov Oblast yesterday.
— Status-6 (@Archer83Able) March 31, 2021
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