June 2, 2022

Invasion Day 98 – Summary

The summary of the 98th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 1st June 2022 (Kyiv time). Day summary: Ukrainian forces managed to advance in the southern Ukraine and also regained control of Vesele in Kharkiv Oblast. Russian army continues to target border areas of Ukrainian Chernihiv and Sumy Oblasts and focuses…


The summary of the 98th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 1st June 2022 (Kyiv time).

Day summary:

Ukrainian forces managed to advance in the southern Ukraine and also regained control of Vesele in Kharkiv Oblast.

Russian army continues to target border areas of Ukrainian Chernihiv and Sumy Oblasts and focuses its main force on Sievierodonetsk, where they are slowly pushing Ukrainian troops out of the city.

Belarusian army has reportedly strengthened its presence on the border with Ukraine.

Kharkiv Frontline

includes the area of Kharkiv and Chuhuiv

rain showers | ~29 °C

Shelling: Zolochiv, Slatine, Derhachi, Rusky Tyshky, Oleksandrivka, Vesele, Ternova, Rudneve, Protopopivka

Ukrainian officials reported shelling of Ukrainian positions at Vesele, confirming the previous rumors of the settlement liberation.

Russian army, aware of the Ukrainian success in the vicinity of Kharkiv, has reportedly started to built defensive positions in the area of Kupiansk.

Russian forces have repaired a railway bridge near Kupiansk, allowing them to resume operations on the Kupiansk – Lyman railway branch.

Siverskyi Donets

includes the area of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut

light rain | ~30 °C

Shelling: Velyka Komyshuvakha, Rudne, Virnopillya, Dovhenke, Svyatohirsk, Vidrodzhennya, Novoluhanske

Russian troops assaulted Ukrainian positions at Dovhenke and Dibrovne, but were pushed back.

The enemy is reportedly preparing to cross Siverskyi Donets river and advance towards Raihorodok and Siversk to further complicate the situation for the Ukrainian defenders.

Fighting continues on the streets of Sievierodonetsk, mainly in the south-eastern district. The eastern and northern districts were captured by the advancing Russian troops. Ukrainian troops retreated from Oskolonivka to avoid encirclement.

In the area of Popasna and Zolote, Russian forces attacked Ukrainian positions at Toshkivka, Zolote, Komyshuvakha, Vrubivka, Nyrkove, Berestove, Bilohorivka and reached the outskirts of Pokrovske. Furthermore, all indicates the Russian troops captured Lypove and Pylypchytyne settlements.

South-Eastern Front

includes Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblast

partly sunny | ~33 °C

Donetsk Oblast

Shelling: Avdiivka, Niu-York, Novoselivka

There was no change on the ground in Donetsk Oblast.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Shelling: Mala Tokmachka, Novoandriivka

There was no change on the ground in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Kherson Frontline

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv

partly sunny | ~32 °C

Shelling: Posad-Pokrovske, Davydiv Brid, Mykolaivka, Trudoliubivka, Osokorivka

Ukrainian officials stated in the evening that Russian forces shelled Ukrainian positions in the area of Snihurivka (Mykolaiv O.), Vysokopillya (Kherson O.) and Zolota Balka (Kherson O.), indicating Ukrainian troops have made some progress in those areas and most likely reached the outskirts of the said towns/settlements.

Russian forces managed to destroy a bridge at Davydiv Brid in order to slow down the ongoing Ukrainian offensive in the area. The situation at Andriivka and Bilohirka remains covered by the fog of war.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.

Maps and article are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), press released of Russian Army, DPR and LPR (taken with a grain of salt)

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That’s pure BS. The exension of OTAN and the orange revolution occured almost 20 years ago, and Ukraine didn’t threaten Russia in any way.

And Ukraine’s leaders DID update their military, they doubled their military budget since 2014, etc. You are ill-informed (or just another russian bot).


Kherson area, i was thinking ukrainain fail .

Finaly, they avance in 4 or 5 direction. Something like 5km everywhere.

-On the T0403.

-north of arkansgel (liberate vysolokilllia)

– davidiv, with at least 2 ponton bridge.

– snihurvika

– and May be south at oleksandrivka.

Russian have to colmate the breach rapidly.


“Russian have to colmate the breach rapidly.”

They can “colmate the breach” by retreating to Russia immediatly.


At least Rubezhnoye of the Kharkiv region is under the control of Russia, even the map in the English wikipedia designates it as controlled by Russia. Ternova, at least, is controversial. A number of sources also reported that the Russian army occupied Fedorovka and Shestakovo in the Kharkiv direction, thereby cutting off St Saltov from the rest of the Ukrainian forces.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zakhar

Kharkiv was always a fixing operation by Russia. Nothing more.


Kharkiv is a strategically and symbollically important city it is unlikely that Russia just did a “fixing operation”.


They definitelly would want to take it but actually haven’t been able to even get into proper positions – after the famous ‘Feint’ they focused on constantly shrinking in size and ambition attempt to encircle Ukrainian Donbas detatchment. Russian army was able to (and apparently just fine with) ‘liberate’ by constant artillery fire. SO: in reality they just blocked the city.


Ternova. Its depends to the moment. Sometimes russian capture, a few hour later ukrainain liberate this settelment.

Rubizhne , like the crossing river at staryi saltiv , for me its under fog of war.

Fedorovka and Shestakovo,small units totaly surrounded since 3 weeks ? Its strange .

Om Nom

Curious how would Russians trying crossing the river again avoid the same disaster last month. There seems to have a formidable Ukrainian artilery unit at the southern bank between Bilohorivka and Dronivka yet caught by Russians.


To my understanding if not all, most Ukrainian artillery unites are formidable.


The Russians have not captured the road north of Popasna, which seems incomprehensible.  The troops on the north bank will not be able to defend for much longer. The Ukrainian army should strengthen their defenses on the south bank.  


The road from Bakhmut (Artemovsk) to Lisichansk is completely shot through and is under the fire control of Russia, there are many video confirmations of this. There is no normal supply along this road anymore


They usually fight only one high-intensity battle at a time. The high-intensity attack here should already be on the cards.

Last edited 2 years ago by XPOINT
Henry Whitworth

No they don’t. They started out with drives all over the place. The fact is they’re only CAPABLE now of trying to drive forward in one place at a time and even then at great cost. They’re losing. Get your resume ready. Maybe there will be some other murderous dictatorship you can shill for next year?

Last edited 2 years ago by Henry Whitworth
Food for thought

Strangely Zelensky today said that 20% of Ukraine is under Russian control. I don’t know how this correlates with the “they’re losing”!!

West of the Cascades

World War I ended with German troops still occupying parts of France, Belgium, and Luxembourg — and was a complete defeat for Germany.

Henry Whitworth

Because the war isn’t over. Russia needed the war to be over by now. They are at a strategic impasse and they don’t have what it takes to change that. Look at wars throughout history and, in hindsight you can see when it becomes apparent that the side that lost was going to lose because of everything that’s happened and everything that is stacking up. People who believe Russia is winning this war are still… Read more »