May 21, 2022

Invasion Day 87 – Summary

The summary of the 87th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 21st of May 2022 (Kyiv time). Day summary: Russian forces have advanced from the direction of Popasna and managed to capture several settlements. The overall situation in Donbas doesn’t look promising for the defenders. Ukrainian forces need to rethink their…


The summary of the 87th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 21st of May 2022 (Kyiv time).

Day summary:

Russian forces have advanced from the direction of Popasna and managed to capture several settlements. The overall situation in Donbas doesn’t look promising for the defenders. Ukrainian forces need to rethink their defensive strategy and use the Russian focus on Donbas to its advantage elsewhere.

Ukrainian defenders at Azovstal laid down their arms and surrendered to Russian forces. The battle of Mariupol is over.

Note: I apologize for a brief inactivity. I’m sick, and I had to spend a few days in the bed. I tried to gather as much information as possible, but I might miss something. Please let me know in the comment section below in case you find a mistake.

Note 2: We have a new, cool and much nicer comment system. Enjoy.

Kharkiv Frontline

includes the area of Kharkiv and Chuhuiv

T-storms | ~21 °C

Shelling: Chornohlazivka, Prudianka, Demetrivka, Ternova

Ukrainian forces liberated Demetrivka near Pytomnyk, north of Kharkiv.

Siverskyi Donets

includes the area of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut

rain showers | ~22 °C

Shelling: Velyka Komyshuvakha, Dovhenke, Lyman, Sievierodonetsk, Borivske, Toshkivka, Vasylivka, Lypove, Pylypchatyne, Bakmut

Things went south on Siverskyi Donets frontline in the meanwhile. Russian troops captured Oleksandrivka, Shandryholove, Novoselivka, Drobysheve and made an attempt to lay a pontoon bridge near Yeremivka.

The enemy has also reached Ustynivka near Lysychansk, but the attack on the village was repelled.

In the vicinity of Popasna, Russian troops used the terrain to its advantage and advanced deep into Ukraine-controlled territory. During the past days, they managed to capture Oleksandropillia, Druzhba, Trypillia and have reached the edge of Vasylivka, Lypove, Volodomyrivka and Vyskryva.

South-Eastern Front

includes Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblast

mostly cloudy | ~26 °C

Donetsk Oblast

Shelling: Vremivka, Mykilske, Novomykhailivka, Marinka, Avdiivka

Russian troops attempted to break through Ukrainian lines in the vicinity of Vremivka, Novomykhalivka, Marinka and Avdiivka, but they were unsuccessful.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Shelling: Kamyanske, Novodanylivka, Orikhiv, Huliaipole, Poltavka

There was no change on the ground in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.


includes the Azovstal Plant in Mariupol

mostly cloudy | ~21 °C

Ukrainian Supreme Military Command ordered the Mariupol’s garrison to save their lives and lay down arms. The Ukrainian defenders have fulfilled the order and surrendered to Russian forces in hope they’ll be later swapped for Russian prisoners. The wounded Ukrainian soldiers were taken to Novoazovsk while the rest were transported to a prison facility near Donetsk.

The battle of Mariupol is over.

Kherson Frontline

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv

partly sunny | ~24 °C

Mykolaiv Oblast

There was no change on the ground in Mykolaiv Oblast.

Kherson Oblast

Russia seems to have no intention to advance forward until it secures Donbas. The Ukrainian defensive strategy comes short here and despite having enough forces in the area, the Ukrainian units are on the defense.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.

Maps and article are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), press released of Russian Army, DPR and LPR (taken with a grain of salt)

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Continuing my previous post In addition to unfavourable terrain around Popasna, the Russians may also run into supply problems, as spelled out here: Henry Schlottman on Twitter: “Just to offer a possible refinement: I believe Popasna is the most critical sector currently, is likely funneling reinforcements in. Initial take on logistics a few days ago suggested they may have issues sustaining an offensive here from Luhansk/Starobil’s’k railyards” / Twitter The fact that a… Read more »


Anyone worrying about the situation in the Popasna-Bakhmut area should have a look at this: John Helin on Twitter: “@emilkastehelmi With the talk of a Russian breakthrough at Soledar and the T1302 in danger of being cut off it’s important to look at the topography of the Bakhmut – Lysychansk are and why these developments are important. A short thread on the Russian advance 1/” / Twitter While Popasna is at quite some elevation… Read more »


Russian troops in Mykolivsky, next to Svitlodarsk.

Necro Mancer on Twitter: “Пишут, что это посёлок #Мироновский Донецкой обл. #роа” / Twitter

Otherwise, Jerome, pls. check for my previous post that is still awaiting moderation (possibly one link too much) on Ukrainian presence in Vovchansk rayon east of the S. Donets.


I’m glad to hear that you are back, and wish you speedy recovery. N. Ruser thinks the Ukrainians have been able a few days ago to build a bridgehead on the eastern bank of the S. Donets at Zarichne. FIRMS data confirms fighting in that are, but that may also reflect shelling across the river. Nathan Ruser on Twitter: “Putin’s War — The Ukraine Briefing Map for May 23rd. Relatively quiet weekend, with few gains.… Read more »

Om Nom

Curious, what kind of weapon bombed Bakhmut? It looks that the russians are still 20km away from the city. Why the city looks hit on the map?


Russians in their official briefing said they used air-to-surface missiles against command centers, but I also read that Bakhmut is well within the range of Russian tube artillery now


I’m sorry, but unfortunately these reports are getting more and more inaccurate and incomplete. For example russians recaptured some ground in Kharkiv region and started again to shell the city.

Henry Whitworth

Has there been some confirmation of those Russian claims? What do you believe they’ve recaptured in Kharkiv?

Last edited 2 years ago by Henry Whitworth

From ISW, LNR reported that they have troops in Rubizhne, Kharkiv Oblast. I think this is just the fog of war. Each map is slightly different based on the sources that they pull in. Wiki, Liveuampa, ISW, militaryland, scibblemaps, and the various sources on Twitter that have maps. Some sources like militaryland seem to be more conservative on updating the map waiting for solid information one way or the other. Plus with all the repeated… Read more »

Henry Whitworth

Yeah, we’ve seen a lot of that along different fronts. Russia blows everything up until Ukraine backs off enough, they move into the rubble, get blown up in turn, pull back out. Ukraine maybe re-occupies the rubble. A few days later the same thing is happening again. All of it with just sketchy reporting trickling out via Twitter feeds or whatever. The maps just leaving “Contested Zone” in these area are probably being pretty smart… Read more »


Is there any reliable information about who is controlling Velika Komyshuvakha and Dovhenke? Thank you


Get well soon and thank you for the hard work. Noticed 503rd Marine Btn in SE Front. Was this unit reformed after Mariupol?


The Russians occupied the Ternova region north of Kharkov, and you can update it in your next article.


They counterattack. But i am Still not sure if they capture the settlement.

Some People talk about the capture of rubizne in another counterattack. And rumor of ukr crossing the river east to karkiv.

All of this is not confirmed for me.

Last edited 2 years ago by dolgan

Yeah, I am with you on this. I haven’t seen any valid confirmation one way or another. The ukr crossing the river east of Staryi Saltiv from what I can tell was solely based on fire maps from NASA. But artillery could have easily accomplished that work from the west side of the river. Or even military and civilian saboteurs. UA Commander in Chief announced today 24 villages have been liberated over the last two… Read more »


Get well soon take care of yourself ! Thanks again for the news and maps this is really important work, but we understand if you need some rest 🙂