May 14, 2022

Invasion Day 79 – Summary

The summary of the 79th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 13rd of May 2022 (Kyiv time). Day summary: Ukrainian troops are successfully advancing in the vicinity of Kharkiv and liberated a few more settlements. Russian army has strengthened its presence in the border areas of Bryansk and Kursk Oblast amid…


The summary of the 79th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 13rd of May 2022 (Kyiv time).

Day summary:

Ukrainian troops are successfully advancing in the vicinity of Kharkiv and liberated a few more settlements.

Russian army has strengthened its presence in the border areas of Bryansk and Kursk Oblast amid fears of possible Ukrainian attacks across the border. Additional Russian artillery elements were deployed to the Bryansk Oblast as well.

Note regarding Right Sector units: I was recently approached by a representative of Right Sector, who expressed their wish to remove DUK (Ukrainian Volunteer Corps) marks from the daily reports. Unfortunately, all my proposed solutions were denied, and even through all my data come from the public sources, I was unable to change their minds. I decided to honor their request, and their marks have been removed from the daily maps for now.

Kharkiv Frontline

includes the area of Kharkiv and Chuhuiv

partly sunny | ~21 °C

Shelling: Pytomnyk, Rusky Tyshky, Petrivka, Ternova

The counteroffensive of Ukrainian forces continue in the area, and the enemy is forces to withdraw its units across the border as the result. Ukrainian troops recaptured Petrovske, Ternova and are advancing towards Vesele.

Siverskyi Donets

includes the area of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut

partly sunny | ~25 °C

Shelling: Nova Dmytrikva, Krasnopillya, Dolyna, Adamivka, Bohorodychne, vicinity of Rubizhne, Toshkivka, Orikhove, Zolote

Russian forces have advanced along the highway M-03 (Izium – Slovyansk) and attacked Ukrainian positions in the vicinity of Bohorodychne. The assault was successfully repelled. Russian aviation targeted Ukrainian positions at Dolyna and Adamivka.

Fighting continues in the vicinity of Lyman and Oleksandrivka. Russian forces attempted to break through Ukrainian lines in the area of Orikhove, Zolote and Komyshuvakha, but without success.

South-Eastern Front

includes Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblast

rain showers | ~24 °C

Donetsk Oblast

Shelling: Marinka, Avdiivka, Kamyanka

Russian forces assaulted Ukrainian positions at Novomykhailivka, Marinka, Avdiivka, Kamyanka and Novoselivka. Ukrainian troops managed to successfully repel all attacks in the mentioned areas.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Shelling: Orikhiv, Huliaipole

There was no change on the ground in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.


includes the Azovstal Plant in Mariupol

partly sunny | ~22 °C

Fighting continues on the edge of the Azovstal plant, as well as the almost nonstop shelling of the plant itself.

Kherson Frontline

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv

mostly sunny | ~26 °C

Mykolaiv Oblast

There was no change on the ground in Mykolaiv Oblast.

Kherson Oblast

Shelling: Oleksandrivka, Tavrijske, Kotlyareve

There was no change on the ground in Kherson Oblast.

Correction: Based on the recently released footage and statements, it was confirmed Russian army still controls Pravdyne, and most of the area between Blahodatne and Snihurivka.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.

Maps and article are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), press released of Russian Army, DPR and LPR (taken with a grain of salt)

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Stalemate is my guess. The areas under occupation are historically Russian-leaning anyway, so Russia can just sit tight and play defense. Ukraine doesn’t have to worry about Russia advancing further without further mobilization. If Ukraine starts with massive counterattack, then Russia has the justification for WWW2 full mobilization. Oil price will double and stock market will crash. Even US will not be happy at that point (treasury bond yield will spike), and will try to… Read more »


Most commentators here seem to agree that Russia is running out of time and it needs a quick victory. This is not my impression at all, on the contrary it’s Ukraine (and the Collective West) who’d benefit more from the quick resolution of this conflict. Because you know, the winter is coming. Russia has fuel and food, not a problem at all for them. They won’t be necessarily happy but they’ll survive. The Europe, especially… Read more »

Timothy Hurley

“despite all the successful repellings.”Those are called LOSSES. They aren’t feints, they aren’t “part of the plan,” they are flat out LOSSES. I’ll go through them for you in case you forgot: 1) Kyiv-LOSS 2) Sumy-LOSS 3) Chernihiv-LOSS 4)Kharkiv-LOSS 5) 9 Generals-DEAD 6) Moskva-SUNK Over 50% of RU tanks and APC’s are visually confirmed as destroyed. Any “rational” discussion of the war needs to be based on facts and not wishful thinking or RU fantasy… Read more »

Food for thought

Mate, look at the map. Do you see the red colour on approximately 20% of Ukraine? What is the value of 9 generals or a few thousand losses (these are Ukrainian data and obviously exaggerated like the minimal losses that Russians report) compared to occupying so far 1/5 of a country and slowly advancing? I agree with AZOG. I don’t known whether he is pro Russian or not but I think it is quite realistic… Read more »


One can ‘successfully’ repel 50 attacks, but it takes only one ‘successful’ attack to lose the battle. And if the opposing side can live with that and still operate, it’ll lead to a strategic loss ultimately. As you – correctly – stated, the ‘truth’ and facts depend on which TG channels one is reading. I am reading and trying to analyze the info from both sides. Russians surely suffered losses, I never stated the opposite… Read more »


Ukr proved that they can retake occupied territory to Russia, so your logic is false.


the West (United states, Canada, UK, France ,Germany and other countries ) are fully committed to support Ukraine with weapons. Russia can’t win this war as long as these countries sending weapons to Ukraine. Ukraine is getting anti- ship missiles, heavy artillery, tanks, ammunition, air defense…). Where is Russia getting their weapons from to refill their equipment losses? There is a huge difference: the ukrainian army is a western army. Their soldiers are well trained… Read more »


Russian and Ukrainian armies are much more similar than perhaps you think (perhaps more similar that they think themselves about each other). ‘Western trained army’ is like some mantra that supposedly makes the army invincible. Right, and South Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc were just statistical anomalies.


Just one question, how much money do you think it goes on the career of a general? Their generals have a lot of experiencia, RU did not wasted time and was involved in every conflict possible. How much time it’s needed to generate a new general? how much money it takes? how decades of experience will be replaced? imagine if any other army lost this numbers of it’s highest officers?! Adding this number to the… Read more »


What you are saying does not make sense. I am a participant in the war that lasted 4 years 30 years ago, the part where I was all 4 years was in a total environment, there were 250,000 inhabitants with women and children no one died of hunger and cold, we were absolutely without electricity and never we had no gas, the army turned all its economic resources to survive we produced weapons and ammunition… Read more »


I agree with you in part. However, the Ukrainian army cannot be compared with Hitler’s army at Stalingrad. The Ukrainians know winter and unlike those at the Battle of Stalingrad in 42/43 they will have the proper equipment. The Russian winter offensive in 1944 is not comparable to the current situation, as Hittler believed that the Russians were coming through Hungary and against the advice of his advisors sent his soldiers to Budapest first. This… Read more »


I am not comparing the armies, I am comparing the tactics. I see similarities between Poznan, Konigsberg and Wroclaw and Mariupol, Popasnaya and other cities and towns in Donbass. Of course Ukrainians (and Russians) can perfectly well fight in winter and they are sturdy people. The problem for Ukraine will be food (no harvest this year) and fuel (prices and serious shortages already common). It might affect the logistics, the morale and it’s not inconceivable… Read more »


I stopped reading the message at “the winter is coming”….


EU will be fine without russian gas and oil… economy might take a little hit (nowhere close to what covid-19 did), but it wont be a huge problem.. BUT, russia has no way how to switch gas deliveries from EU to somebody else.. because those pipelines go into EU.. so once EU stops buying, russians will have to close the gas wells, as they need to be under pressure and any stoppage ends up destroying… Read more »


Russia can’t sustain this offense on multiple locations (south, Kherson & Zaporizihia and in the east , Donbass) for more than 1 month. Two or three weeks more and they will run out of fuel, ammunition, food, water..) and we will see these forces collapsing like around Kiyv. The following factors are in favor of the Ukraine: – modern weapons from the west (they will get heavy artillery – long range from Norway, Germany, France)… Read more »


I would say heavy artillery will have much more serious impact than Javelins which didn’t seem to have any major impact at all contrary to what the media is saying. Of course I saw the video, Russians messed up at the river crossing. Targeted by artillery from Lisichansk apparently. Do you perhaps know if this artillery position is still standing? Surely, river crossing always go according to the plan, it;s a perfectly safe thing to… Read more »


Statistics. The population of Russia is 145 million The population of Ukraine is 43 million The difference in human resources is 145/43=3.37 times For the same losses, for every dead Ukrainian, 3 Russians must die. Army: there is a professional army, there are mobilized soldiers. When mobilizing in the army, a large number of low-motivated soldiers. A large number of mobilized soldiers -> high losses, low morale. There was no mobilization from Russia. Fighting professional… Read more »


You’re forgetting one thing, Equipment, Russia will run out of equipment before they can fully equip their mobilized troops, Ukraine on the other hand is being equipped by NATO which makes up 50% of the global GDP.

Ukraine has 16 million people fit for Military service and with NATO’s help they can equip a lot of them.


Yes, everyone knows that NATO has the advantage in conventional weapons.
But Russia also has nuclear weapons. And Putin said back in 2018 – The essence of Russia’s nuclear doctrine is that the aggressor must know: retribution is inevitable, he will be destroyed anyway. And we, as a victim of aggression, we, as martyrs, will go to heaven, and they will simply die


You are forgeting that Russia got hardly professional army, it is always used to be filled with reservists or people that are conscirpted for a year around age 18-20, they are not having regular professional army like most countries do. That is the reason why many of russian soldiers that are members of regular unit are people with very, very limited expierience. They were sent to units and are members of regular units but the… Read more »


To say that the Russian army has little experience is very reckless. Remember who supported Assad in Syria.


so few thousands out of milion army that were doing slaughterhouse of people that were hardly having anything more than just AK-47 is an experience? You dont understand that their army is hardly having regular soldiers in land component. And land forces were not used is Syria, mostly air and special forces +VDV + Wagner Group


“The population of Russia is 145 million
The population of Ukraine is 43 million”

Which share of the Russian male population is willing to fight in Ukraine? Which share of Ukraine population is fighting?

But modern wars are also decided in factories: Could you provide the relevant industrial capacity of Russia, the EU and USA? You do not see an issue?


Not mobilizing is going to lose you the war. Serves you right, Russian Fascists are cowards that want to send others to rape and murder for them in Ukraine. You don’t believe any of that of course, just like you believed Putin when he said you weren’t going to invade Ukraine. Oh go ahead, threaten nuclear retribution like you did further down when someone mentioned NATO is stronger.


@XPOINT I don’t know where you get your information about Europe and the EU, but one thing is certain: for a long time Europe has not been as united as it is at the moment, for a long time NATO has not been as united as it is at the moment. Yes, there are some EU states that have a harder time accepting the new realities. But I don’t see the EU’s support for Ukraine… Read more »


My comment was deleted, yours remains. If all of you against me but not afraid of me, we can find a place where we can speak freely to discuss further.


Excellent point about Boeing and microchips. I’d say the best among all the posts today. A major headache for Russia ( I still cannot believe it managed to kill the Soviet aircraft industry). But well, this is the new reality, the world is in the new cold war. For the time being the West and the Russia will have to live apart from each other. If they manage not to kill each other and the… Read more »


These days the Russians are always saying they crossed the river and attacked Pryvillia .But there has never been an accurate report.


The message I got is that Russia has established 6 river crossing points and successfully established bridgeheads. I did not check the source, maybe there will be accurate news today or tomorrow.

Ronald Verweij

Hmm, are you russian?……….


Let’s give up identity so as not to lead the conversation into personal attacks. Put the facts on the table. You can show your evidence. I have not confirmed that Russia crossed the river. Like you, I have seen photos of the bombed Russian pontoon bridge, and I have not seen the Russian army crossing the river. I’m just saying there is such an uncertain news. We can wait for follow-up reports.


Could you tell me what (hypothetical) event will make you change your opinion and see the war is going bad for Russia? Is there any such event thinkable for you?


@XPOINT This guy analyzed the footage of the river crossing. He came to the conclusion that one army build a pontoon-bridge and there was a tank battle between both armies for a week.


Nah, Russians don’t have access to free internet.
He is just a Pro Russia that doesn’t want to live in Russia itself.


Negative success:)

Volodymyr Akimov

OK, now you’ve got a great typo. For a village “Rusky Tyshky” you wrote “Rusky Tushky” (Руські Тушки), which means “Russian corpses”.


The first casualty of war,is the truth