April 23, 2022

Invasion Day 59 – Summary

The summary of the 59th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 23rd of April 2022 (Kyiv time). Ukrainian troops have liberated more settlements north of Kharkiv. Russian forces are unable to breakthrough anywhere, resulting in static clashes or just minor advances. The Ukrainian president mentioned a possibility of an attack from…


The summary of the 59th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 23rd of April 2022 (Kyiv time).

Ukrainian troops have liberated more settlements north of Kharkiv. Russian forces are unable to breakthrough anywhere, resulting in static clashes or just minor advances. The Ukrainian president mentioned a possibility of an attack from Transnistria in the evening’s speech.

Russian army shelled the border area near Bilopillia, Putyvl and Nova Sloboda in Sumy Oblast.

Kharkiv Frontline

includes the area of Kharkiv and Chuhuiv


Ukrainian forces have liberated Bezruky, Slatine and Prudianka north of Kharkiv. Russian forces shelled Ukrainian positions at Stara Hnylytsia and Korobochkyne. The latter one was recently liberated, but we lacked verified info until today.

Siverskyi Donets

includes the area of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut


The hottest point remains Popasna and Rubizhne, where fighting and shelling is ongoing nonstop. Russian forces assaulted Ukrainian positions at Dibrovne and Zarichne, but without success.

Russian artillery hit a pumping station in Luhansk Oblast. Lysychansk and nearby villages are left out without water as the result.

Pryazovia Frontline

includes Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblast


Donetsk Oblast

Russian forces have met fierce resistance in Zelene Pole, Temyrivka, Malynivka and are unable to advance further north at this moment.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Russian army shelled Ukrainian positions at Orikhiv, but the main focus of the enemy is currently Donbas, not Zaporizhzhia.


includes the Azovstal Plant in Mariupol


Ukrainian president Zelensky stated today that Ukrainian Army has currently no means to deblock Mariupol. Mainly due to the lack of heavy weapons and the enemy’s air superiority.

Kherson Frontline

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv


Mykolaiv Oblast

Explosions were heard at night, but no casualties.

Kherson Oblast

There was no change on the ground in Kherson Oblast.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.

Maps and article are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), press released of Russian Army, DPR and LPR (taken with a grain of salt)

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14th Mechanized Brigade moved from NW to Kiev to Cherson. That could make a difference there!

Ari Kivimäki

Yeah the 14th Mechanized is tough…
T-64BV : 13
BMP-1 : 38
MT-LB : 17
BRDM-2 : 2+
2S1 Gvozdika : 18
2S3 Akatsiya : 18
BM-21 Grad : 18
2K22 Tunguska : 8


Just want to give a quick thanks for everyone who helps put in and find this information so fast every day. My two most up to date sources of information on this war are this website, and the SpeakTheTruth Youtube channel (which I recommend for those who are interested in updates like these). Obviously, the best sources are on the ground but I want to thank you guys for being one of the best for… Read more »


“The Ukrainian president mentioned a possibility of an attack from Transnistria in the evening’s speech” I don’t want this to happen, because that would mean more people are going to be killed. However, if such a thing happens I hope Moldova will got help from NATO (and Ukraine) to free the Transnistria… from TASS (Popraganda): “Russian army eliminates logistics terminal with foreign weapons near Odessa ” I haven’t seen any evidence of that, I only… Read more »


i saw some pictures that they managed to hit a cemetery…


A cemetery. That’s a logistics terminal indeed. I mean, don’t we all end up there eventually?