June 26, 2023

Invasion Day 488 – Summary

The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 26th June 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time). Sloboda Front includes the area of between Oskil and Aydar river Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of: Siverskyi Donets overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk…


The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 26th June 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time).

Sloboda Front

includes the area of between Oskil and Aydar river

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • west of Kryvoshyivka, Stealmakhivka

Siverskyi Donets

overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk vicinity

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Vesele, Rozdolivka

Bakhmut Front

includes the vicinity of Bakhmut

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Minkivka, Hryhorivka, Bohdanivka

Avdiivka Front

includes the vicinity of Avdiivka

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • No activity reported.

Donetsk Front

includes the center and southern part of Donetsk Oblast

  • Soldiers of Ukrainian 31st Mechanized Brigade liberated Rivnopil south-west of Velyka Novosilka. (source)

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Marinka, Novomykhailivka

Zaporizhzhia Front

includes the Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • No activity reported.

Kherson Front

includes the left bank of Dnipro river south of Kherson and Kakhovka

  • Ukrainian reconnaissance elements expanded its control on left bank of Dnipro river in the vicinity of Antonovsky bridge. (source)

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • No activity reported.

Full map of Ukraine

overview map of current situation in Ukraine

This summary and detailed maps are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official media channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and geolocated footage.

We also thank the following Twitter users for their geolocations and amazing work: @neonhandrail, @auditor_ya and the team at @geoconfirmed.

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leto i arbaleti


I think it was the right decision to defend Bakhmut. Ukraine can really only conduct the counteroffensive with western equipment and it managed to weaken Russian offensive capabilities in the east by attriting its forces, as well as destabilize Russia by limiting its success – hence sowing discontent, empowering mercenary groups and dividing society with the coup attempt

Max Beckhaus

Defending is always the best option in a war of attrition if the opponent is so nice to attack. The story of the senseless defense of bakhmut was always a clown troll story. We can see now how difficult it is to attack and take back that land.


Interessant! )

Max Beckhaus

Interesting conclusion from the Wagner mutiny.
Cornered between ugly fighting in Moscow and public humilation he chose the later and more rational way. That Putin would use nuclear weapons irrationally when faced with the humilation of defeat in Ukraine seems of the table.

Last edited 1 year ago by Max Beckhaus

Has this counteroffensive started?

Max Beckhaus

Clown questions in support of a failed State full of murderers and criminals. Opposite to Russia, Ukraine is not willing to throw away it’s people senselessly. Right now it is a destruction derby of artillery and sooner or later that will translate in ground taken. Yes, it started and it hasn’t ended.


Don’t feed the tom.


Zilly Kreminal kuntz komment


Haha, another 500 million dollars for Ukraine from the US, yeah western support is waning so much, it is so weak and so uncapable…

The west will never stop supporting Ukraine: no peace for Russia until all the stolen land gets returned.

Last edited 1 year ago by Triglav

… and Putin can’t even complain. Because he also financed Wagner.

Max Beckhaus

Yes, until victory it is. Even more promising are all those long term commitments coming in.


Today, a photograph appeared de russians just swipe the left bank of the Antonivsky bridge for artillery and maybe with mortars. It looks like they just want to destroy the Ukrainian military from the left bank, but they don’t wonder if the bridgehead will be expanded until it’s unreasonable.


Most likely, the bridgehead was occupied by up to 50 people, they dug in under the bridge itself and are in a cottage town near the Antonivskyi bridge, russian planes are razing cottages to the ground bomb fab 500


They also appear to have air defence and EW setup on the right bank. So no Ruzzian drones or choppers or close support fighter jets.


They can shelter from artillery under the actual bridge.


according different article in the Press , people speak about Wagner 4 milliard Roubles ! it’s a joke according actual change: not more that 42 Mio. EUR! mean just the min reserve for 1 bataillon in operation for 3 weeks!


what is the difference between the blue and yellow armbands of the Ukrainian Armed Forces?


only the color. yes its serious.

Max Beckhaus

I have seen green aswell.


Just because they’re at war it doesn’t mean fashion is less important

Last edited 1 year ago by RutilantBossi

Different fronts I think


sry guys for still going with the late circus but this is lovely: [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8tyn9Xr-68 ]. poor sad clowns.


They all look terrified after seeing how helpless all the Putin’s security apparatus could be 🙂


It is important to mention, however, that more and more former war supporters and propagandists doubt the war and describe it as a mistake. Putin’s house of cards collapses…


Well, they obviously want results.. What has Putin actually achieved with Ukraine except a bunch of transparent lies about how great the invasion is going while making their mobster nation look weak. I think the only thing that’s keeping Putin in power is the fact that no one is crazy enough to take over and have to inherit the whole mess.