March 16, 2022

Invasion Day 20 – Summary

The summary of the 20th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 23:59 – 15th of March 2022 (Kyiv time). Russian forces continue to regroup near the large cities in preparations for upcoming attacks. Ukrainian Army conducted several successful counter-attacks and destroyed a number of Russian equipment. Polesia Frontline includes Kyiv and Zhytomyr Oblast…


The summary of the 20th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 23:59 – 15th of March 2022 (Kyiv time).

Russian forces continue to regroup near the large cities in preparations for upcoming attacks. Ukrainian Army conducted several successful counter-attacks and destroyed a number of Russian equipment.

Polesia Frontline

includes Kyiv and Zhytomyr Oblast

Kyiv Oblast

On the left bank of Dnieper, Russian forces reached the Ukrainian defense line Kropyvnya, Zakharivka, Olyva, Kukharska and also the town of Poliske in the north. Ukrainian staff also reports heavy battles in the vicinity of Irpin and Bucha at the momement of writing this summary.

The enemy attempted to capture Makariv, but Ukrainian forces repelled the attack. The towns near Makariv, namely Ozershchyna, Lypivka, Sloboda remains contested, and neither side has full control over them.

On the right bank, Russian forces reached Lukashi and there is at least one roaming element near the highway M-03.

Zhytomyr Oblast

Ukrainian side warns of possible provocations by Belarusian military alongside the border.

Northern Frontline

includes Chernhiv and Sumy Oblast

Chernihiv Oblast

No signification changes have been reported from this area.

Sumy Oblast

Ukrainian Territorial Defense units are conducting defensive operations in Talaivka, Nedryhailiv and Oleshnya. Russian forces tried to enter the Sumy outskirts during the night, but the Ukrainian defense repelled the attack.

Very interesting is the mention of Velyka Pysarivka. According to Ukraine, it’s a contested city at this moment. If you remember the Ukrainian counter-attack west of Kharkiv that we had no idea how it ended, this is most likely the result.

Sloboda Frontline

includes Kharkiv and Luhansk Oblast

Kharkiv Oblast

Ukrainian forces pushed enemy out of immediate outskirts of Kharkiv. Pyatykhatky and Ruski Tyshky is under Ukrainian control and there are clashes in Bezruky and Oleksandrivka. Russian forces maintain position around Chuhuiv, namely in Kochetok and Mylinivka.

Ukrainian troops continue to defend the southern part of Izium, Russia controls the northern part. All bridges in the town are destroyed, which limits Russian movement across the river.

Luhansk Oblast

The enemy assaulted Rubizhne, Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk and Popasna. Russian troops didn’t reach the assigned goal and retreated to original positions in the evening. Ukrainian troops launched a counter-attack towards Svatove and captured several minor settlements.

Pryazovia Frontline

includes Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Donetsk Oblast

Russian forces tried to break through Ukrainian lines near Svitlodarsk, Horlivka and Avdiivka. The break through was successful near Horlivka and Russian troops reached Panteleimonivka.

In the south, Russian army reached Vuhledar and Ternerove. Ukrainian forces repulsed all attacks on Vuhledar, but nearby Mykilske remains contested. The situation in Ternerove is unclear, but the attempted maneuver threatens Ukrainian forces stationed at Huliaipole nevertheless.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Russian forces approached Kamyanske, but because a humanitarian corridor leads through here, no significant clashes have been reported.


Russian forces entered the city and captured a hospital. The enemy reportedly has taken the doctors and patients as hostages and was firing towards Ukrainian positions from the hospital. In the east, Russian troops pushed alongside the sea and forwarded element reached the river of Kalmius.

Southern Frontline

includes Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odesa Oblast

Mykolaiv Oblast

The Russian attack on Mykolaiv hasn’t been successful so far. Instead, Ukrainian forces launched a counter-attack towards Kherson. We are waiting on the results.

Kherson Oblast

Russian forces pushed north and captured Zahradivka, Osokorivka and reached the Kherson – Dnipropetrovsk regional border. Ukrainian forces shelled Kherson airport today and reportedly destroyed several helicopters stationed there.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.

Maps and article are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), press released of DPR and LPR (taken with grain of salt)

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Yeah this confused me for a moment while I was reading this summary.

The left bank of a river is the side that is to your left if you are in the river, swimming downstream. And likewise for the right bank, of course.

@Xsern on Twitter

True but 95% of people reading won’t read it like that. They will read it as it appears on every map in existence: left bank = West bank.


Possibly, which is why Jerome is probably right that east/west are better terms than left/right in this case.


Dear Jerome,
the western bank of Dnieper is its right bank, not its left bank, since it runs down to the south to the black sea.
Kind regards.


Thanks for your work!


Is the bridge over the Bereka river on road T2115 still standing, just north of Hrushuvakha, Kharkiv oblast? The Russian forces at Petrivske very likely intend to cross there in order to attack Izium from the south, take it, build a bridge over the river, and push towards Slovyansk-Kramatorsk from the north-west (there’s basically nothing between Izium and Slovyansk). The push at Panteleimonivka is probably also intended to lead to an offensive on Sloyvansk-Kramatorsk, but… Read more »


Thank you!!