June 17, 2022

Invasion Day 114 – Summary

The summary of the 114th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 17th June 2022 (Kyiv time). Day summary: Russian forces regained some lost ground in Kharkiv Oblast and continue to attack Ukrainian positions in the area of Slovyansk and Lysychansk. Belarusian army deployed additional mechanized units to the border with Ukraine….


The summary of the 114th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 17th June 2022 (Kyiv time).

Day summary:

Russian forces regained some lost ground in Kharkiv Oblast and continue to attack Ukrainian positions in the area of Slovyansk and Lysychansk.

Belarusian army deployed additional mechanized units to the border with Ukraine.

Kharkiv Frontline

includes the area of Kharkiv and Chuhuiv

Shelling: Ruska Lozova, Tsyrkuny, Verkhnii Saltiv, Krynychne

  • Russian forces have launched a counter-attack in order to regain previously lost positions in the north. The enemy recaptured Izbytske and advanced closer to Rubizhne and Bairak. Unfortunately, Ukrainian forces were caught by surprise and had to retreat. There are casualties.
  • Ukrainian sources reported a battle near Demetrivka, but no other details have been shared.

Siverskyi Donets

includes the area of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut

Shelling: Hrushuvakha, Virnopillya, Dibrovne, Pashkove, Dolyna, Krasnopillya, Pokrovske, Zaitseve

Barvinkove direction

  • Ukrainian troops regained full control over the settlement of Dmytrivka. Ukrainian side didn’t report about the loss of Dmytrivka previously, so the map didn’t change.

Slovyansk direction

  • The enemy is probing Ukrainian defensive lines, looking for a weak spot to find a way towards Slovyansk.
  • Ukrainian forces repelled the enemy attacks on Krasnopillya and Dolyna.
  • Russian troops attempted to gain full control over Bohorodychne, but were met with fierce resistance and Ukrainian troops remains in control of the southern part.

Bakhmut direction

  • Russian reconnaissance elements tried to advance from the direction of Dolomite towards Kodema. The attack wasn’t successful and the enemy withdrew.
  • Russian forces couldn’t settle on the other side of M-03 and withdrew to previous positions, maintains fire control over the part of M-03 highway.

Lysychansk Area

includes the vicinity of Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk

Shelling: Sievierodonetsk, Metolkyne, Lysychansk, Ustynivka, Mykolaivka

  • Fighting in Sievierodonetsk continues.
  • An enemy attack near Metolkyne was repelled, but Russian troops bypassed the town and reached the outskirts of Syrotyne.
  • Russian troops have resumed an offensive towards Zolote, but Ukrainian defenders are holding out.
  • Russian forces reportedly entered Vrubivka. According to unconfirmed reports, Ukrainian troops didn’t have enough manpower in the area to hold off the assault and had to retreat. We’ll have to wait a day or two to get a clear image.
  • The enemy again tried to storm Ukrainian positions near Berestove. The attack was repelled.

South-Eastern Front

includes Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Donetsk Oblast

Shelling: Zelene Pole, Krasnohorivka, Avdiivka, Niu-York

  • Ukrainian reconnaissance discovered a Russian sabotage group between Yehorivka and Shevchenko. Ukrainian troops ambushed the group and forced them to retreat.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Shelling: Orikhiv, Huliaipole

  • There was no change on the ground in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Kherson Frontline

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv

Shelling: Mykolaiv, Lupareve, Stepova Dolyna, Kyselivka, Partyzanske, Novopavlivske, Osokorivka

  • Ukrainian Air Force conducted air raids behind enemy lines in the vicinity of Kherson and Nova Kakhovka. They reportedly hit several targets, including a Russian warehouse and forwarded military base.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.

Maps and article are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), press released of Russian Army, DPR and LPR (taken with a grain of salt)

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If my online translator isn’t deceiving me, pro-Russian channel Rybar has in its evening briefing reported some Ukrainian gains around Vuhledar, which would align well with your statement above: “Ukrainian reconnaissance discovered a Russian sabotage group between Yehorivka and Shevchenko. Ukrainian troops ambushed the group and forced them to retreat.” Here is the original statement from Rybar: Прибывшие части 44 оабр ВСУ ведут разведку позиций ВС РФ в Новоселидовке, Павловке, Владимировке, Никольском, Егоровке, Пречистовке и… Read more »

Lorn Tyr

Uh, there’s nothing about an ambush in that piece you cite. Literal translation for that segment from your link below: На Запорожское направлении продолжаются артиллерийские дуэли в районе Орехова и Гуляйполя. В результате обстрела ВСУ поврежден газопровод в Васильевке. Прибывшие части 44 оабр ВСУ ведут разведку позиций ВС РФ в Новоселидовке, Павловке, Владимировке, Никольском, Егоровке, Пречистовке и Евгеновке. On Zaporozhye direction artillery duels continue in Orekhov and Gulay-Polya area. Due to shelling by AFU gas pipeline in Vasilyevka was damaged. Arriving troops of 44 “oabr” AFU conduct reconnaisance-in-force of… Read more »


The “ambush” quote was from Jerome’s write-up above. Thought I had made that clear.


It might btw make sense to add some Ukrainian targeting of Russian ammunition depots to the maps. E.g. the linked one, in Zhereb’yanky area, Zaporizhia Oblast. Or the various strikes over the last days on Russian warehouses around Polohy / Voskresenka. And, of course, the recent strike on the ammunition depot in Krasny Luch in LNR. Could give some feeling of where the Russians might run into supply problems over the coming days. The same,… Read more »


Apparently, Ukrainian troops have retreated from Lozove and Andriivka in Cherson Oblast (which btw. appear a bit misplaced on your map, Jerome, you show them lying in Mykolaiw Oblast) to the western bank of the Inhulets. However, it remains unclear when the footage linked below was taken.

BlueSauronhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f441.svg on Twitter: “Artillery shelling by the Ukrainian 36th Separate Marine Brigade targeting the Russian Army in the south. #Russia #Ukraine https://t.co/PRVhYKpenR” / Twitter


https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/6/15/ukraine-to-us-defense-industry-we-need-long-range-precision-weapons Interesting interview from the United States with General Volodymyr Karpenko, Logistics Commander of the Ukrainian Ground Forces Command. to which Ukraine’s urgent need for artillery and artillery ammunition is once again highlighted. on the other hand… for 10 years i followed the war in syria closely, after 2015, when russia fully entered, the coolest and most modern drones that russia possesses played a very important role on the front, especially in the rear, without… Read more »


Dont know what you mean by Ukraine not being provided modern drones… The Bayraktar TB2 is a precision strike modern drone. And ukraine has been using those during this war non stop…


Also switchblades, warmates and flyeye…


> Top 20 Countries with the most war volunteers in Ukraine:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPl1hJdSyxY


Today, ua official report say russian shell kosacha lopan. Probably ua free eastern part of the city.


The zoom on the maps is completely off for me. I have to hover outside of the actual image to hit the right area to zoom in. Using Firefox on desktop.

Last edited 2 years ago by Oskar
Henry Whitworth

For weeks all the talk has been about how Sievierodonetsk is somehow a “key” city that will decide the fate of the Donbas. But since that battle really kicked off it has been pretty obvious that the Ukrainians are fighting a grinding, attritional battle there to occupy and degrade many of Russia’s remaining combat forces. It keeps getting reported as “critical” etc but, meanwhile, Ukraine sends fresh forces elsewhere instead of to that battle. They’re… Read more »

Konrad Korba

The level of water in the river Siverski Doniec is very low and it will be lower from day to day. I suppose UKR forces will have to withdrow one way or another. It is only a matter of time.


It doesn’t have much importance from military standpoint, but it has big symbolic value to both sides. It could affect morale of both sides. I think this is the main reason why Ukrainian side still defends it.


there’s only one operational river and only infantry can cross it. The other two bridges are destroyed. It’s not as easy as “Just leave”

Henry Whitworth

Yeah, they reported it as some great disaster for Ukraine for days and ignored the fact that Ukraine was choosing that battle. Now after weeks in which their strategy has become rather obvious the press has moved on and pretty much ignores the fact that the whole thing is another gaping wound in the Russian army. The general public has the impression that Ukraine is losing badly. Even though there is about 5000 square miles… Read more »


Severodonetsk is not important, but “bleeding the Russian army” only makes sense if Ukraine doesn’t bleed even more in the process. Given recent statements from Ukrainian officials about very high losses, one wonders.


We wait the official russian losses. they doesnt talk about this, but they still existing. “only makes sense if Ukraine doesn’t bleed even more in the process.” No. Its not a game with the same number in each side. If ukrainian lose 2 men for one russian (not true if russia finaly mobilise in mass), at the end they will win. Simply because russian are in inferiorty (if we count the men mobilisated). But of… Read more »


I meant in proportion to each side’s forces. And it’s true that we don’t know much about Russian losses, but if they were comparable with Ukraine’s, Kiev would mention it instead of saying they’re outgunned 10 to 1 as they’ve been saying recently.

Sorry but “let’s let ourselves get surrounded and pounded to oblivion by the enemy’s much bigger artillery forces, because they’ll suffer losses too” doesn’t strike me as a particularly brilliant plan.

Henry Whitworth

blah blah blah


The plan is to earn time.

Each bomb who shell this city could not shell another city. Each troup here is not to another front. The principal offensive is since 3weeks on a city already destroy. This dont cost a lot to ukrain in comparison to the result.


media needs headlines.

Harold Yoo

Some say Ukrain army have regained Zavody. Is this not true?


Considering that there is video footage of Russian BMPs at the northern outskirts of Toshkivka already from June 13, and the town hasn’t been mentionned anymore in recent UAF briefings, its probably safe to assume it is now fully under Russian control. BlueSauronhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f441.svg on Twitter: “Today in Luhansk Oblast, the Ukrainian 34th Separate Motorized Infantry Battalion (of 57SIB) struck a building occupied by Russian troops, a BMP-1 nearby was destroyed while another 2 were damaged.… Read more »