June 13, 2022

Invasion Day 110 – Summary

The summary of the 110th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 13th June 2022 (Kyiv time). Day summary: Russian troops have entered several settlements in the Siverskyi Donets area of operations, while Ukrainian Army is moving more and more troops and equipment into the area. The situation on other frontlines remains…


The summary of the 110th day of Russian invasion to Ukraine, as of 22:00 – 13th June 2022 (Kyiv time).

Day summary:

Russian troops have entered several settlements in the Siverskyi Donets area of operations, while Ukrainian Army is moving more and more troops and equipment into the area.

The situation on other frontlines remains without change.

Kharkiv Frontline

includes the area of Kharkiv and Chuhuiv

partly sunny | ~30 °C

Shelling: Rusky Tyshky, Mospanove

  • Russian army has begun to built fortifications in the vicinity of Novy Burluk amid fears of Ukrainian offensive in the area.
  • The enemy attacked Ukrainian positions in the area of Ternova from the direction of Izbytske. The attack was successfully repulsed.
  • The enemy actually attacked Ukrainian troops defending Izbytske from the direction of Ternova. Izbytske is partly under Ukrainian control, while Ternova is under Russian control. Apologies for the mistake.
  • Ukrainian defenders repelled an enemy attack near Rubizhne.

Siverskyi Donets

includes the area of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut

partly sunny | ~32 °C

Shelling: Mayaky, Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk, Toshkivka

Slovyansk direction

  • Russian forces attempted to break through Ukrainian lines at Dolyna, but didn’t succeed.
  • The enemy advanced towards Bohorodychne and captured north-western outskirts, fighting continues.

Bakhmut direction

  • Russian forces captured Krynychne and reached the outskirts of Myronivka.
  • The enemy seized Dolimite and attempted to advance in the direction of Kodama. The advance was stopped by Ukrainian troops.
  • A Russian attack on Novoluhanske was repelled by Ukrainian defenders, but the loose of Dolomite might force the Ukrainian army to retreat from the town.

Lysychansk Area

includes the vicinity of Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk

Shelling: Privillya, Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk, Borivske

  • Fighting in Sievierodonetsk continues. The head of Luhansk military administration stated that all three bridges over the Siverskyi Donets were destroyed. However, he also noted evacuation and resupply is still possible. Ukrainian army has most likely built a pontoon bridge over the river.
  • Ukrainian defenders repelled a Russian attack in the area of Metolkyne.
  • The enemy attempted to enter the outskirts of Borivske, but met fierce resistance and retreated.
  • Russian forces captured most of Toshkivka and were able to advance towards Ustynivka from the south. Ukrainian troops still control the western outskirts.
  • The enemy resumed offensive towards Zolote from the direction of Orikhove. Fighting is ongoing.
  • Russian troops attacked Ukrainian positions at Mykolaivka and Vrubivka, without success.

South-Eastern Front

includes Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblast

T-storms | ~31 °C

Donetsk Oblast

Shelling: Marinka, Krasnohorivka, Avdiivka, Kamyanka

  • There was no change on the ground in Donetsk Oblast.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Shelling: Orikhiv, Huliaipole

  • There was no change on the ground in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Kherson Frontline

includes the vicinity of Kherson and Mykolaiv

T-storms | ~31 °C

Shelling: Zelenodolsk

  • There was no change on the ground in Kherson Oblast.

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.

Maps and article are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), press released of Russian Army, DPR and LPR (taken with a grain of salt)

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Kyrseah Lausnad

At 109 day of Putin’s war in Kherson’s telegram channels gets viral video, where ZSU soldier says that they at 10 km near Kherson. After that OIexei Arestovich on his live stream refutes that statement and says that ZSU at 15-18 km near Kherson.

All this need of official confirm.


ISW claim Zavody & Spivakivka, West of Izyum, were retaken by Ukraine. It will be interesting to see if that is confirmed later, as they do tend to be conservative regarding recording exchanges of territory.


Yes. If true, they can shell topolske. And make the use of T-21-22 very dangerous for russian.

Lots of positiv rumor (kherson, Kharkov, popsana), but nothing confirmed.


The Institute of War itself makes a note that only one Ukrainian journalist speaks about this, no one else could confirm it

Toby A Blauwasser

Glory to Ukraine and the Ukrainian Heroes. Death to the invaders. Death to Putin. Hey President Biden, NOW would be a good time to support Ukraine with everything we have. Because tomorrow may be too late.


It sounds nice, but it seems that as Ukraine loses territory, its partners will stop betting on a losing war and focus on freezing the conflict and trying to improve the world economy in food and fuel. Prices keep going up.


Actually Ukraine controls more territory now than in March. And I believe there is no “back to business as usually” with russia,not with the mass graves of civilians that get discovered every few days. Any business that tries to reopen in russia will get branded instantly.


In April all pro-Ukrainian analysts said that the Russian exercise was on the verge of collapse and its economy was going to collapse, today the reality is different


Russia multiplies its oil sales in Asia, Europe buys more expensive oil than ever in Africa and the high price of cereals threatens an unprecedented food crisis in less favored countries


Then fk off back to ruzzia!


Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны: ‼️???? Washington Post: У ВСУ проблемы с «Джавелинами» «У украинцев неотложная проблема. Их ракетные установки «Джавелин» — сложное, привередливое оборудование, каждое из которых стоило шестизначную сумму, — были неработоспособны, и никто у них не мог их починить», — пишет WP. 1. Пентагон не разработал доступный перевод 286 страниц (!!) инструкции для ВСУ, переводят криво гугл-переводчиком. 2. Не вошли в комплект учебные модули и запасные батареи, что само собой разумеется для… Read more »


For people who dont know how to use them, they have good result with javelin.

Javelin are old system. With bad battery and bad cooling system. But against t72 they do the job.


And you are happy to share that?


You really call this war “excersise”?… And do you intentionally avoid ansewering? But I agree that today reality is different than in March/April – more sanctions on russia, more and more companies are closing shop there. Russia doesn’t “multiply” thair sales to Asia, cause there are no oil pipes from syberia to Asia, and their existing connection was almost 100% used even before the war, so thats pure bullshit.


meant “army” was a spell checker error. what Russia multiplies in sales is oil, especially to India and China. I don’t know what you mean by answer… if you mean mass graves, apart from bucha I don’t know about others, but that’s what wars are about, death and destruction and civilians are usually the ones who take the worst part . In the same way, if you have data on other graves of civilians, it… Read more »


Even if they could sell more oil, that doesn’t change the fact that they are cut off from modern technology. They won’t receive any parts for their mining equipment, their new cars won’t have airbags, or even abs…
They still have some momentum in their mining industry, but besides that, they are done.


China and india buy it at à low price. And its only the begining of progressiv embargo.

  • The West needs to comprehend that the aggressor understands only one language. Bigger military might, getting clobbered beyond recognition. Keep the Howitzers and everything else rolling to Ukraine 24/7.

Sounds like you’re rooting for child murderers and rapists …


I have no sympathy for Russia, I know that Putin is a war criminal. but I don’t like neozanis with esvalticas tattooed on his body either. On the other hand, what about
those two regions that do not have to belong to Ukraine? and carry on
conflict since 2014


It is said these are also some Putin nazis (spanish, use google translator if needed) people and groups that support Putin/Donbas separatists: Dmitri Utkin (Wagner Group) Andrey Bogatov (Wagner Group) Denis Kharitonov (Wagner Group) Pavel Gubarev (Русское Национальное Единство) Denis Gariev (Russian Imperial Movement) Viktor Melin (Nordic Ressistance Movement) Anton Thulin (Nordic Ressistance Movement) Alexander Matyushin (Varyag) Alexei Michalkov (Batman Rapid Response Group, Rusich Task Force) Yan Petrovsky (Rusich Task Force) Gleb Erve (funny, a… Read more »