
December 15, 2024

141st Infantry Brigade becomes mechanized

The 140 series brigades are slated for transformation.

The 141st Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Ground Forces has recently been restructured into a mechanized unit. This makes it the first brigade in the 140 series, which are all infantry units, to undergo such a transformation. While other units in the series are also likely planned for reformation, the exact timeline for these changes remains unconfirmed.

The brigade has already received its first mechanized equipment, the BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles, as seen in the photo below.

The reformation is possibly part of the ongoing overhaul of the Ground Forces, initiated by the newly appointed commander, Maj. Gen. Mykhailo Drapaty. We have a detailed article scheduled for tomorrow, so be sure to visit our page to learn more!

Thanks to our Discord user xoma for the heads-up.

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When is that detailed article coming out?