May 3, 2023

Invasion Day 434 – Summary

The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 3rd May 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time). Note: This summary list all important events that happened since the day of our last summary, Day 434, and not only the last 48 hours. Sloboda Front includes the area of…


The summary of the situation of Russian re-invasion to Ukraine covering the last 48 hours, as of 3rd May 2023 – 22:00 (Kyiv time).

Note: This summary list all important events that happened since the day of our last summary, Day 434, and not only the last 48 hours.

Sloboda Front

includes the area of between Oskil and Aydar river

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • No activity reported.

Siverskyi Donets

overview map of Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Lysychansk vicinity

  • Ukrainian artillery shelled Russian positions in Serebryansky forest, revealing that the enemy managed to advance. (source)

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Dibrova, Bilohorivka

Bakhmut Front

includes the vicinity of Bakhmut

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  •  Bakhmut, Ivanivske, Predtechyne

Bakhmut City

the city of Bakhmut

  • Ukrainian kamikaze drone targeted Russian troops north-west of Khromove. The geolocation indicates that Russian troops hold the positions in the vicinity of the road. (source)
  • Wagner mercenaries advanced in the north-western part of the city towards Khromove settlement. (source)
  • Soldiers of Ukrainian 77th Airmobile Brigade blew up a building in the north-western part of Bakhmut, indicating that the area is no longer under Ukrainian control. (source)
  • The enemy captured Bakhmut Medical College. (source)
  • Given the enemy advances in the vicinity of the base of 54th Mechanized Brigade, it’s safe to assume that the majority of the complex is under Russian control.
  • Russian artillery targeted Ukrainian positions at School no.12, confirming Ukrainian forces continue to hold this area. (source)
  • Ukrainian tanks attacked Wagner’s positions at Bakhmut Industrial College. (source)

Avdiivka Front

includes the vicinity of Avdiivka

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Niu-York, Avdiivka, Pervomaiske

Donetsk Front

includes the center and southern part of Donetsk Oblast

  • Ukrainian forces pushed out Russian troops from a farm east of Pobieda. We don’t know the exact date of this counter-attack, but only now we have visual evidence of it. It’s very likely that the nearby treeline was secured as well. (source)
  • The enemy attempted to advance north-east of Novomykhailivka, but was stopped. Nevertheless, Russians captured one new treeline here. (source)
  • Ukrainian artillery targeted Russian troops east of Vuhledar, revealing the enemy partially controls the dacha area. (source)

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • Marinka, Novomykhailivka

Zaporizhzhia Front

includes the Zaporizhzhia Oblast

  • Russian sources claimed that Ukrainian troops conducted a reconnaissance-in-force south of Orikhiv, but there is very little to none info available. The event won’t be marked unless we learn more details. (source)

Ukrainian General Staff reports repelled attacks in the vicinity of:

  • No activity reported.

Kalanchak Front

includes the left bank of Dnipro river south of Kherson and Kakhovka

  • Russian artillery targeted Ukrainian positions on an island north of Perebiina River. (source)
  • The enemy artillery shelled Ukrainian troops on Velyky Poyomkin island, showing Ukrainian small advance in the area. (source)

Full map

The full overview map of current situation.


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This summary and detailed maps are based on the following sources:

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, official media channels of Ukrainian regional administrations, Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and geolocated footage.

We also thank the following Twitter users for their geolocations and amazing work: @neonhandrail, @auditor_ya and the team at @geoconfirmed.

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Wise Woods

the pobieda farm was recaputred by Ukr forces last octorber, not now,we still do not know whether it is still on the control of whom


The thing is, even after 6 days, there is almost no noticeable changes. This is astonishing, compared to what happened everyday at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

Bakhmut still holds, and everywhere else the frontline barely moved in 6 days. Or even 2 months 🙂


That is what war of attrition does. Technically the territory is also not so important unless it gives you some advantage. So winning few kilometres here or there might not matter. In war of attrition it very important to know when to make retreat to sustain your troops. At some point one of the two sides will crumble and then the opposite army will make gains like a giant wave.


I think so too… Basically, the Russians are also speculating on the dwindling western aid for Ukraine. The Russians are going all-in on their ammo consumption and production in hopes of actually staying the course.
They also accept being economically devastated after the war and squandering all their wealth on military production. The question is whether Ukraine can hold out for several years


the question would be whether the United States and Europe are willing to continue injecting Ukraine with billions every month for the next few years


Russia has the problem that its treasury will soon be empty if it does not find a way to get money through exports.

The oil and gas will be sold off or sold to poor countries that hardly have money to pay for it. In addition, there are the social, war expenditures, etc…. The sanctions are bleeding the country dry, slowly but steadily. Europe and the USA are in a stronger position in this case.

Zhorik Vartanov

Oh, but it’s way more amazing than that. Russian fossil exports are record high. Most of it is exported to all kinds of intermediaries (who then refine it and happily re-export e.g. to W.Europe). Moreover, Russian oil and gas are still going via Ukraine’s pipeline, astonishing isn’t it. War is a war, but the big guys around the world have to eat and are happily making money.


“Russian fossil exports are record high.”
-> how, that’s why they stopped publishing detailed numbers (including production numbers) ?

Truth is: their exports are low, the price they sell is also lower than it was before february 2022, so Russia is burning its financial reserves and its economy is declining.


What do they mean by middleman? Those who hack the pipeline, suck out the gas and resell it in a bucket? Or the sanctioned Gazprom, whose European business has collapsed? China and India probably resell the cheap Russian gas, but the proceeds certainly don’t go to Russia.


Yip – China and India are making a killing on Ruzzin oil.

Zhorik Vartanov

Human ingenuity is limitless and money never sleeps. It’s murky business which involves proud Caribbean nations, Greek tankers and Indian refineries.
Here’s an example
PS I loved the bottom line of this article – ‘only a transition to renewables will end it’, made my day


The paradox with Russian oil and gas is that there are no intermediaries because almost everything goes through state companies or Lukoil, which is hostile in the Kremlin because it has spoken out clearly against the war and almost all of the proceeds flow into private hands.


Ruzzia is selling its oil at a loss to China and India.

Zhorik Vartanov

important note – at a discount, not at a loss


No – a loss. Losing money because they can not refine the oil before export, crude oil is worth less.

Zhorik Vartanov

I concede the point, Colin. When I get an oil rig I’ll be producing Channel#5. Because both the crude and even diesel fuel is for sore losers

Max Beckhaus

Europe will support ukraine as long as it takes. Since russia is bleeding heavily, this will be more than enough, even if the usa may falter in 2024. This war is lost for russia. The question that remains is, if ukraine can win it. Expelling russia from all of ukraine in 23 seems like a stretch. 24 seems more reasonable if the west will support that. Will it though?


There will be no winner or loser in this war. Ukraine is paying a very high price to call it a victory, drowning 3 generations of people in blood. The maximum that awaits Russia is a civil war / turmoil, and this is not the nearest prospect, it will take 5-7 years. The loss of territories will be presented by propaganda on rusTV in the form that “everything is fine”.


Ukraine will still be able to free some territories. Perhaps it will even come to the borders of Crimea, in order to continue raiding the peninsula, destroying wax targets. 50 percent of the war rests on volunteers who do their best to provide some of the military’s needs, and whether volunteers can still hold that line is unclear.


From the beginning of 2023, the number of donations to the army is dropping rapidly. But this does not stop them. The army lacks basic things, starting with body armor and helmets. For some fighters, people simply collect money for equipment.


Alot of Ukranian troops seem to be lacking in personal equipment.


Two losers.

Max Beckhaus

No, Ukraine can win this war. It can shrug of russian imperialism and become part of the eu and the west. That would be Ukraines victory. And yes, that comes at a cost. Shrugging of russian imperialism does not come easily. Right now i believe in that victory.


What is a win? East and South Ukraine lie in ruins and Ukraine will be in huge debt for decades.
Ukraine is fighting just to survive as a nation.
Everyone loses in war apart from weapon manufacturer’s.
War is tragic not glorious!

Max Beckhaus

That is a question of definition. This is Ukraine’s independence war. If you think the u.s. independence war was a loss because of the dead, do that. I certainly believe that freedom is worth the cost, because free people tend to be more peaceful. I think your definition will lead to more war in the long run.


It is true that Russia sells cheaper oil but its sales have increased, it could continue to finance the war for at least two or three more years, Europe has no more war junk left to send to Ukraine, Ukraine urgently needs to be able to demonstrate to his sponsors that you can win this war otherwise the financing faucet will begin to close and he will have no choice but to sit down and… Read more »


Just keep thinking that!


The new things, its that Ukrain start a new campaign against Ru logistic (train and oil ) . And Ru use his stock of missiles and shahed.


I was starting to feel withdrawal symptoms, thank god my bi-daily addiction is back